I second the vote for the factory-style system, especially in a street car with limited drive time. We run a factory distributor with a chrome box in our '69 road runner. Drives, starts, and races great up to 6500 RPM. I also agree that the MSD 6AL is a good alternative. Having a rev-limiter is a nice option on a race car. One of my pet peeves is having an MSD box mounted in the engine bay. It's easy to get to, but a total eye sore! Mount it on the floorboard under the glove compartment, or under the battery tray as mentioned above. You will rarely, if ever need to service it. Since ECU's were not available from the factory in '69, I made a bracket at the back of the motor that connects to the two outer bolts that hold the valley pan. With my 6bbl air cleaner, it's virtually invisible.