Didn't know where to post this question or even if anyone here is knowledgeable on this type of transmission. Last year I pulled a trailer of about fifteen pounds, about two hundred miles in one direction. On a slight incline of I'm guessing maybe one percent, the transmission which was in fourth gear/overdrive downshifted into second gear on it's own. I say second gear because the tach registered over 3500 RPMs at sixty-five MPH. After letting off the throttle the transmission upshifted with no futher repeat of the problem the rest of the trip. This transmission with 75K on it has never had any problems. Last week I pulled a trailer of 8200 pounds about thirty miles on the expressway. This time on a steeper grade it happened again. I let off the gas and the trans shifted in to high and performed as it should. In fact, I drove over other even steeper inclines with no repeat of the problem. The dealer had the truck last month and said they ran a computer scan, but no bad codes were shown. I have Googled the problem but nothing even close came up. Any ideas?