OK, finally! Here are the results from the Talladega 500. Again, sorry for the delay.
Huge CONGRATULATIONS to 'STROKED340' (FABO) for doing the darn-near impossible and picking a "TALLADEGA TRIFECTA"!!!. He correctly picked the Pole Winner, #24 Jeff Gordon, and both the race winner, #88 Dale Earnhardt Jr., and race runner-up, #48, Jimmie Johnson, for a combined -8 bonus points for the weekend. Way to go! Of course, 'stroked340' had the low-net score for the week of -7.5 points.
Congrats also to 'Back in Time' (FABO), 'bobtile' (FBBO), 'ocdart' (FABO) and 'SpeedracerX' (FABO) for also correctly picking the race winner. Each picked up -5 bonus points.
And congrats to '71dartswinger' (FABO), 'fishmens67' (FABO), 'kazooom' (FABO), 'MoparDaddy' (FABO) and 'moparfan68' (FABO) for also correctly picking the race runner-up. Each picked up -3 bonus points.
Here are the game standings following Talladega:
cuda20 (FABO) 73.0 P18 4 41 8 12 83.0
Budnicks (FBBO) 63.0 (no Pole pick) L4 L22 8 33 83.5
ocdart (FABO) 74.5 (no Pole pick) 24 88 31 1 -5 85.5
Dart_Doctor (FABO) 75.0 LP4 L4 L20 8 25 91.5
Back in Time (FABO) 81.5 P41 24 88 31 1 -5 92.5
kazooom (FABO) 95.0 P1 4 48 8 2 -3 97.0
moparfan68 (FABO) 90.5 P78 24 48 31 2 -3 104.0
66340sedan (FABO) 86.5 P2 L2 L22 22 33 114.0
memike (FABO) 86.5 P22 L2 L22 22 33 114.0
73AbodEE (FABO) 87.5 P15 L2 L22 22 33 115.0
DFootCuda (FABO) 89.5 P42 42 41 42 12 116.5
71dartswinger (FABO) 108.0 LP48 L24 L48 31 2 -3 121.5
fishmens67 (FABO) 129.5 P20 20 48 25 2 -3 140.0
stroked340 (FABO) 148.5 P24 -1 48 88 2 1 -5 -3 141.0
SpeedracerX (FABO) 133.0 (no Pole pick) L24 L88 31 1 -5 144.0
MoparDaddy (FABO) 134.0 LP48 L24 L48 31 2 -3 147.5
paulyv.100 (FABO) 124.0 (no Pole pick) 42 78 42 5 147.5
bobtile (FBBO) 151.0 LP48 88 24 1 31 -5 162.0
Mopar Momma (FABO) 155.5 LP31 L31 L11 7 9 163.5
Snake (FABO) 131.5 (no Pole pick) (no pick) (no pick) 43 43 174.5
daredevil (FABO) 143.5 LP5 L5 L42 34 42 181.5
I'm still under the influence of my cold meds so let me know if I mixed up some numbers!
The next race is the (stupid name for a major race) SpongeBob SquarePants 400 at Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, KS. Don't forget to get your picks posted before the green flag drops at 7:46PM EDT (7:46PM PDT) on Saturday, May 9.