Are you kidding? What does synthetic have to do with oil pressure? Viscosity yes, type of oil, no. The pressure drop you see by going to a lower viscosity oil is less resistance to flow. Putting in 90w will increase pressure but won't help anything. If you have sufficient pressure to provide a hydro dynamic wedge between two parts any extra pressure is a waste of power. In this case the pick-up is sucking air. Why? If it isn't low level or baffeling which it appears it is not I would suspect the filter
Ah not kidding at all! Put synthetic in and you'll see much lower oil pressure in these engines. Of course it's viscosity, but it lowers the pressure, which is what is being seen. I've seen this several times. I also wouldn't recommend it either. Put Rotella / brad penn back in with same type filter, oil pressure right back up there. Not a coincidence. Remember, I've people do all kinds of weird things that we would never do. I was just trying to help out with a possible thought.