Got a couple really good txt's yesterday afternoon. (cell reception is non-existant in the shop, but txt's come through) anyway; The first one was from Joe Cole, he's finishing up the scoop next week and, I would assume, ship it. That will be awesome!!
The second txt was from the upholstery guy, the seats are done! I've already seen the door panels. Hemi style. He will have; front and rear seats, package tray cover, sun visors and door panels. I have the headliner and the carpet along with all the interior garnishes, arm rests, door handles, etc...
Since I pick up the seats on monday, thought I'd better get the bases ready. These came off the old bench seat that was in the donor. There was very little heavy rust and when disassembled, it was easily removed with a wire wheel. Had to replace one stud as it was snapped off. But other than that they cleaned up nicely and worked great when washed, dried and greased. Purposely waited until now to redo them as they would just be sitting around redone and collecting dust...