Well-Known Member
I have a 65 coronet with a 440 that was swapped from a small block at some point. It has the 22" core support opening with an aftermarket 22" aluminum radiator (unk make). My question is im seriously considering going to a 26" radiator if possible, as I live in S. Louisiana and it gets hot here. The car currently has a 165 stat and it struggles to keep it in the 190's right now. During the summer its a different story. Im trying to think ahead and just would like some advice on if anyone has attempted to open up the core support on something similar to mine and if its worth it. Im thinking the extra size on the bigger radiator would be nice. I believe the 440 should have had a 26" radiator in it from the beginning. The car also has two electric fans and an aluminum shroud. I want to ditch all of that and go mechanical with a clutch and shroud.