Thanks Will 
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Well one more week of hunting then back to the car. We got this one last weekend. 150 10 ptr. Our late muzzleloader season.
Will I picked up 2 tubes of the black 3M that should be enough shouldn't it? Also 2 pkgs of clothes pins (50).
Now the bad news, my little buddy Milo, I had to take to the vet today. He was vomitting and couldn't keep anything down. I found out last week his kidneys were failing and we put him on meds to try to help curb the failure. His blood work showed that it has gotten a lot worse. So he is spending the night getting some IV's. I fear he is nearing the end of his journey. He's 14 and had 2 more years than he really should of but it is really tuff dealing with this. I just want him to have a good quality of life. He has definately improved mine!