Good enough for me!
Are you looking for part# on delay timer? Added mine in ‘69 or ‘70. Will have to head to bodyshop soon & can get number(I hope). JeffWANTED! If anyone has any of the following I'd be interested. Heater control sliders. Looking for good/new ones, no decals , 3pcs. Center AC vent hard duct, goes on directly behind vent in dash. Delay timer for light package harness for dash. 3 pin, controls map light & ignition light. Any leads appreciated.
TimJeff that would be a big help! Thanks
Silver first and spray the red and the final color is the dark argent.....That was the original format...Back in the day they used "rubber forms" to mask off for mass production...So I did mine the opposite of the advice given me .I was told paint the silver first then brush in the red. My hands are only that steady with a gun. So I painted the red first, then laid the tape in the groove over the red . I figured I'd get a much cleaner line. So here goes.View attachment 639832