Jag, I'm really impressed, that's looking good! Isn't there some ridiculously low number of 70 B-body convertibles made, like was less than 1,000 total?
Getting your texture back: When I was doing my 71, the seat backs I had were both all chalked up and powdering off. Since they were wasted anyway, I decided to try to save them. What I ended up doing was wire brushing every bit of the chalked up areas till there was none left. Wiped it down with acetone, THEN grabbed a can of wrinkle finish paint, remember that? I put two or three even coats on them, laid them out in the sun, and then put them on the seats, in the car. Be forewarned... that paint will smell for a couple months, you want to get it on as soon as possible. I also found that the lighter you can get the paint applied, the smaller and more grain like texture. I sure hope your interior is either black or red, that's the only colors I've ever seen that paint come in. This is the only pic I have left of how they turned out, and it was unintentional.
Do I see a 70-71 Cuda hiding in the background in your shop? ArrrrrgggggI NEED that car desperatly as a wedding gift to my GF. She loves em, and while I don't love them, I sure like em a lot lol. Think I could talk them into a swap for a 70 vette convertible, both tops even.