This is great, you have a rusted to the core car, holes big enough to hide in and the first thing you do is drop nearly a $1,000 on parts for the engine. Seen this a million times. Having worked int he restoration business for nearly 20 years I know where this is gonna end. Craigslist, " for sale project car" undoubtedly in worse shape than when is started.
I can't believe you are actually trying to drive this thing on a public road, as is .. if the metal you can see is that bad, imagine the condition of the stuff you can't, the important stuff, STRUCTURAL stuff.. but you have a really bitchin' distributor ...
The guy who said "15,000" , yeah, maybe in body work alone. Then think about all the stuff, the little stuff, the fasteners, the clips, seals, etc etc etc ... the list goes on and on and on. We get guys like this all the time in our shop, they come in with a handful of unoriginal, unrelated parts and say " hey, can you guys restore my car " ? Its a nightmare, people ( in general) have no clue what it takes to have a "driver" quality resto done, let alone something thats worth looking at,and I hate to break it to you 15k won't even scratch the surface on that beast, unless of course you enjoy being laughed at, a lot ... I'm not trying to cut you down, rather I'm trying to educate, some people have the skills, others don't. But when you post a pic of a rusted to hell car, then in the next pic you have roughly 1k worth of electrical parts, experience tells me your off to a bad start in the wrong direction... you'd be better of focusing on the body , subframe and all the incidentals that come with those items, you'll see that 1k was a total waste of cash at this point,with a body in that shape . Grab a coffee , a pen and paper, make a list of parts you WANT, then make a list of parts you NEED, then add them up , make a plan of attack. Whats the point of having a screamin' engine if the frame rails are rotten ? And judging from the amount of rust and the size of the holes, you have frame rail issues , whether you know it or not. Not trying to get you down, but rather trying to show the reality here. Please don't endanger yourself or OTHERS by putting that thing on the road ...