This was a Tragic incident.This has nothing to do with Hatred.I stated a Fact. He Murdered his girlfriend (mother of his child) & then committed suicide. Committing suicide to me is a cowardly act.I have investigated numerous Murder/ suicide cases. What causes Murder, suicide ?There are any motives or causes of a person death. "Every case is its own story." A crime like that is always shocking,but similar tragedies seem to be happening more & more often these days.
Taken together, it becomes an act that requires the killer to get to a point where they see it's not only a reasonable response to my circumstances to take my own life, (but) things are so bad that I'm going to take the wife, or my spouse, or my partner, or my children with me.
Marital troubles ,Toxicology report, Mental illness,Helpless & hopeless,Domestic violence, financial decision,correlation to head trauma for sporting injuries. Where they're warning sign or symptoms...An investigation might be able to reveal the causes...
It leaves you with so many unanswered questions. It's usually a constellation of factors that contribute to something like this situation. It's usually not just one thing. No sugar coating it. His Act was Murder & he killed himself.....His action will cause a lingering pain for these two family for years to come......