Has anyone ever heard the term "Liberal Islam"? I rest my case.
However, lets not forget that this nation was founded on a mix of Judeo/Christian beliefs. We are kinda messed up because of religion in this nation. And I'm gonna show you why.
In the history that we were taught the "Pilgrims" came over on the Mayflower. Why were they called the "Pilgrims", because they were religious people on a "pilgrimage" to escape religious persecution in England, and Europe, or so we were taught. Also coming here were the Quakers.
Here's where the history lesson starts. Yes, they fled their motherlands, to escape religious persecution, but these were the "Ultra-Conservative" sects of Christianity at the time! The Church of England had already broken its ties with Rome, These folks were actually "Far-Right-Wing" Christians. In 1635, in Salem, we were burning witches! I don't think they were doing that in England and Germany!
This ultra-conservative Christian base in America has survived to present day. Prohibition of alcohol! The rest of the world thought we were NUTS! The Brits and the rest of Europe had a great laugh with this!
In England or Europe there is legalized prostitution, or adult book-stores everywhere. In the U.S., it must be at least a 1/4 mile from Churches, Schools, nieghborhoods, etc.
If you ask me, we are kinda "Talibanish" here on some things.