Well-Known Member
I'll use the simplistic definition of propaganda to be:So the OP, RC, starts an amusing thread with a parody article about a current event. Several armchair quarterbacks hijack the thread to give their “expert analysis“ about the cause of the event in question. When the OP interrupts their in-depth discussions to post some more parody articles, some of the “experts” then go off on him and even tell him some of his jokes are out of line? Get over yourself….
Don‘t have a sense of humor and want to discuss a current issue you have all figured out because you watch the news on TV, why not start your own thread to discuss it with fellow experts?
For the record I’m an ATP rated pilot and 30 year engineer working for manufacturing companies and have been watching the story. I don’t claim to have it figured it, but all I can tell you is a lot of things are screwed up right now in both industry and government agencies like the FAA. It’s only a matter of time before we have a major air disaster due to incompetent air traffic controller error, maintenance errors, manufacturing errors, design and certification errors and/or incompetent pilot errors. There’s been a number of aviation near misses and accidents already, we’ve been fortunate there hasn’t been a worse one yet, but sadly that will likely happen soon.
I don’t claim to have all the answers but hope it doesn’t take a disaster to get things straightened out.
This article gives some clues into problems in industry currently-
Industry is messed up, the FAA has always sucked, Rome is burning, can’t we at least try to laugh about it?
"The intentional use or distortion of selective facts to primarily alter, sway, or change the opinion or position of another and not to widen or inform the discussion of the topic at hand"
Since I am unsure of your intention of the outline in red above, I'll withhold comment, other than to state the "parody" you noted here for the OP on "diversity" had an object clear agenda, and was without merit in regards to humor, and I gladly "pulled the curtain back" and called it for what it was.
In regards to starting of my own thread, if that was directed my way, understand my first response here was #20 on the thread, and motivated by other armchair QB's that seem to have a limited understanding of the matters they profess. I welcome the contributions of anyone that help explain anything better, no matter what position they play.
Everything else you state here is IMO very worthy and hard to disagree with.
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