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Americans keep turning their backs on McDonald’s

Quit eating McD's in 2005. Back then, the last things I tried from them were the "premium chicken strips".
When I was in Madison in the late 90's, the McD on State Street would run a wednesday special of 20pc mcnugget with all the sauce you wanted for $4. I did it once, felt like trash for the next 24 hours, and never again did I try a mcnugget.

I would eat A&W years ago, quit that in the last 5 years because local one the old man sold out, handed it to his daughter. Spoiled rotten, useless daughter. The place is gross, the help is teenagers all day, they can't even get an order right much less make the food right. And I don;t mean oops, I forgot you said no pickles, I mean order a double burger in the drivethrough, open the bag they hand me and 2 chicken sliders and a cheese curd are in there. No, there wasn;t any other customers in line. i think they just grabbed what was on the pre-made rack and thought I wouldn't say anything. I asked for my money back and left.

Culvers can be OK yet but local one is run by high school kids so the burgers aren;t made right. they do well enough on the sides and ice cream. But it costs double what a local bar does and I can get a beer with a burger there.

It just isn't worth it. People think the prices will give.... no, that's not part of the plan. Prices on real food are going to get frightening, very soon. Get ready to SPEND on just eating actual food.
Last time I went to McDonald’s the DEI manager called the police on me. That’s a story for another time.
No, it's not, this is a perfect time for the story.
Ok, you twisted my arm. So I go through the drive thru and order. Well as always I pulled up to the parking spots to check my order.
Yep, bread was hard as a brick. So I park and go inside to return my food for a refund or a replacement.
The girl at the counter was very nice and told the folks in the back to make me another sandwich. Everything was good. As I was waiting I noticed my shoe was untied so I lean against the counter to tie my shoe. Well the old blue gummed manager sitting in the dining area shouts out across the room filled with people for me to get off his counter. Yep the one I was leaning against. So I just looked at his stupid *** and finished tying my shoe. He shouts again. Now it’s getting to the point where he’s trying to show off his power.
So me being a calm guy that am I requested that he come over and make me. Well here he comes.
He stepped to the side of me to go behind the counter to grab the phone. He called the police to have me removed. This is fine just give me my money back.
While on the phone with the police he slapped my old burger down the counter and I reached out and caught it with one hand and put my other hand down on my receipt.
I told him to hold on brother those items belong to me.
About that time the nice girl came from the back with my new order.
I told her thank you sweetheart and left as he was giving a description of me to the police.
What did he think the police would do? They would make me whole and send me on my. I think. Didn’t stick around to see.
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As a general rule, if something is wrong at a given business, I let them know about it.
Politely but very sternly...
Yes, I realize the effort is probably futile - but anymore in this life, I feel the directive to
at least give them a chance to correct whatever it is.
That's all any customer can do I suppose.
McDanalds is fine for a coffee and a muffin but I can't tolerate any of their other **** anymoire and it sure as hell isn't doing this old body any good. But I will occasionally have a McDouble meal or Quarter cheese meal. HOWEVER, every time I do I can 't help but think that for only a couple bucks more I could have a good sit-down meal at another restaurant.
I would use a coupon number (didn't need the actual coupon, just the number) and get two whoppers, two large fries and two large drinks for less than 15 bucks. Recently, price went up $2, but still a decent deal compared to $31 above.
We stopped at Burger King a few weeks ago, because they sent us a coupon. The same deal $14.99.

McDonalds is the place that use to be as far as I'm concerned. I do stop for a senior coffee on the way to the farm. I will never eat there again. Just like Bud light, they played with the people to long and forgot the government doesn't mandate you eat there, yet........... The only difference between them and a sit down restaurant is, a few bucks and a tip. It's well worth it as far as I'm concerned. Eating out or buying groceries is easy, I vote thru my pocket and if everyone does that, the company will either start going backwards or go home. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. If they're relying on me for a living, they're going to starve to death, financially anyway.
McDanalds is fine for a coffee and a muffin but I can't tolerate any of their other **** anymoire and it sure as hell isn't doing this old body any good. But I will occasionally have a McDouble meal or Quarter cheese meal. HOWEVER, every time I do I can 't help but think that for only a couple bucks more I could have a good sit-down meal at another restaurant.
When I was still driving a truck, I used them if I was pinched for time. If not, there was no way they could compete with the old school diners or my favorite barbecue shack on my route through rural Pennsylvania. They have nothing to offer me in retirement.
I've never been a fan of McDonald's personally
Mickey D's would go broke if they relied on my business. We go to Culvers. (midwest) PaPa Murphy's for some of our pizza's and local shops for all the rest. We have many Local family owned Chinese and Mexican eateries as well as Cafe's and family restaurants. Oh, and then there's a whole discussion about food trucks! Loaded mini doughnuts pictured. You can't get those at Mc D's.

When fondly recalling prices in my youth, it’s interesting to see what those prices back then equate to today: In 1970, the year I got my license, a gallon of gas was 36-cents, equivalent to a bit over 4-bucks a gallon today. A dollar then equates to almost 8-bucks today. A big-mac was 65-cents is now around $5.25 on average.

Depending on where one resides, a big-mac can still be had for under 4-bucks. Around $4.30 by me. Recall putting just 2-bucks in the tank in my GTO riding around all night. My first job was at a machine shop for 2-bucks/hour. Some friends were envious working at gas stations, restaurants…the worth of around 15-bucks an hour today.
Man, you're pretty sharp to be that old. :poke::lol:
Morgan Spurlock, the documentary filmmaker behind Super Size Me (2004), died from cancer complications on May 23, 2024 at the age of 53. In the Oscar-nominated film, Spurlock ate only McDonald's food for a month to document the negative effects of a fast-food diet on his body and psyche.
Taco Bell is $10 for a meal excluding a drink. Grandys right across the street has a 3 coarse meal, drink costs extra, including single grilled chicken breast, 2 sides and a dinner roll for about $1 more.
I've never eaten a fast food burger in my entire life. I might get something from a fast food joint once every year or two if someone I'm traveling with stops in, usually early in the morning. I do get Micky D's dollar coffee when on the road. Good coffee, good price. I refuse to patronize Starbucks, especially after they thought they banned firearms on their premises. The Emporers can raise wages to $50/hr and the effect on me will be nada.
We have a successful "Area Foodies" group on Facebook. We share and discuss all the local mom and pop eateries. Lots of pics and recommendations.

Onion rings? Can't get those at McD's!
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