When I put together my old 63 I had a engine mount kit and a tranny mount from Schumacher to put a LA in a early B.
My plans changed, not going to race any more and converted the car to street use. The poly mounts made the car vibrate more than I like.
So I switched to a rubber mount for the tranny. Much better.
Started looking for engine mounts. Low and behold Summit had a listing for the early B's 273-426W all the same.
Part# is 2228 and 2227 for left and right insulators. Could not believe my eyes they say Made in the USA
Nice to see Anchor is a US company and making them Domestic.
I posted this in General Mopar Tech with the hope that their insulators are made for all body styles of Mopars.
My plans changed, not going to race any more and converted the car to street use. The poly mounts made the car vibrate more than I like.
So I switched to a rubber mount for the tranny. Much better.
Started looking for engine mounts. Low and behold Summit had a listing for the early B's 273-426W all the same.
Part# is 2228 and 2227 for left and right insulators. Could not believe my eyes they say Made in the USA
Nice to see Anchor is a US company and making them Domestic.
I posted this in General Mopar Tech with the hope that their insulators are made for all body styles of Mopars.