IMFHO it ain't worth the expense or grief/hassles to do it
you can pay a lot of energy bills, not have the hassles
or added costs, years upon years to pay it off,
rinse & repeat when the **** goes bad, or when it snows
or panels gets dirty & you get no real energy "savings" from any of it,
(not in the long run, it isn't environmentally friendly either)
then the fees
that the energy co. will impose on you for using their grid
& having solar/wind power/surcharges, to make up for their loss
or with that $50k solar install...
how much is your payment for that ?
That's just like "the cost to pay the energy company",
but just more $$$...
Now add dbl the insurance (in some cases)
& new roofing (in some cases, min. stds, must be met)
permit fees, surcharges & dealing with subcontractors
some even have HOAs/cities/co/state restrictions or mandates,
energy co. added surcharges, added taxes
then there's replacing batteries or inverters etc.
they fail to warn or tell you about
it's double that cost over 10 years or less, than the payments last...
IMHFO It ain't worth all that
it will never be 'net zero'
not in either environmental or financial
that's a bullfaced lie, sales pitch/exaggerations
don't believe any of it
from someone that has actually owned solar,
I had it, I lived it, for 10+ years
& not just blindly following what,
someone spewing what the -www- bs said
(like the sheeple/compliant type ideology, that don't have 1st hand experience)
or some lying *** govt. official claims
(or that shyster liar solar salesperson, getting govt. subsidies $$$)
what they "told me (or told you), it would help or do",
it won't & it didn't
they completely lied and exaggerate the "actual benefits/savings"
(lies/BS) compared to actual real costs &/or costs of maintenance
even over short term (10 years)
Don't be/get dupped/conned, be blind followers-sheep
do your due diligence 1st
you can thank me later