We used to get them in the hangar cleaning out pigeons and gulls on the west coast.
Here's one that got in our shop 5 years ago.
Pigeons were always a problem. Large shop. High roof. Pigeons. Winged rats. Dirty birds.
I think the hawk probably ate something or hit it's head. It was wandering around on the floor in an uncharacteristic manner for a hawk.
Fellow eating his lunch next to me and the hawk decided to check him out. I had to alert him to the hawk's presence. Both parties were nonplussed. It jumped on his tool cart. We took it out side and it flew off after about 20 mins.
I have them nesting at my house too. Nice listening to them call each other.

In all official circles
Across this big wide world
Between the radio stations
A coded message heard
No one knew the meaning
All our efforts seem to fail
But if they catch you listening
Then they'll lock you up in jail
So we found ourselves a place we did not know
Tension in the air and a strange earthly glow
Then amidst the noise of a thousand people's talk
There came a cry "It's The Night of The Hawk!"