I have 3 various, different electronic voltage regulators that all put out 15.2 to 15.5 volts on my 67 which I consider excessive. Unfortunately my efforts to put a mechanical voltage regulator on it have been unsuccessful and I’ve tried 3 different ones. All produced a rapidly flickering amp gauge and flickering lights. Spent a lot of time on this and been through everything and the alternator without success.
So now I’m on the search for a source of an electronic voltage regulator that reliably puts out in the area of 14.5 volts. Hopefully someone has found one somewhere. If so, can you pass on the info, please.
Should have been clearer - this is on a stock 67 GTX with single field alt., points, etc.
So now I’m on the search for a source of an electronic voltage regulator that reliably puts out in the area of 14.5 volts. Hopefully someone has found one somewhere. If so, can you pass on the info, please.
Should have been clearer - this is on a stock 67 GTX with single field alt., points, etc.
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