I have a history of having recurring dreams.
For awhile I had dreams that I had the ability to jump really high and really far. Not flying exactly but hovering if and when I wanted or travelling several hundred feet at a time. That was a fun one. I never cared for what those meant as it just seemed like a fun fantasy type thing that had no real underlying meaning.
I've had other dreams where I am trying to get somewhere but keep encountering various obstacles and distractions. Lately these have been either with me in a car or on foot but I'm trying to get somewhere and I either keep getting lost or get flat tires, can't find a map or street signs, have no cell phone service to call anyone, etc.
I'm not sure if this is standard for everyone but my dreams always start midstream of some action or activity. It is always like turning on a movie 15-20 minutes after it started. I find myself in a situation and am compelled to find my way through with no help.
I rarely have nightmares. Years ago I recall dreaming of something scary chasing me so I stopped and confronted it. At that point I was starting to be able to occasionally realize when I was dreaming. That was fun. When you know that you are dreaming, you are free to take some pretty big risks since you are never in any actual danger of anything.
THis recent one though...If I were to write a title for it, it would be The long way home.
I am not aware that I am dreaming during it. I never have the ability to call anyone. I go down streets that seem familiar but they never get me home.
Working on cars and working in construction share some similarities. Problems pop up and I have to find a way to fix them, sometimes using unconventional methods. Maybe this dream is another dimension of that...Maybe it is a test to see what solution I will eventually find?
Maybe it is nothing at all and just a series of unrelated thoughts ...?