What does your builder recomend ?
I've tried the Redline C+ATF in my RR last service
& Royal Purple synthetics in my Dakota,
both no issues with either, but synthetics are expensive,
But I don't skimp on oils/fluids...
Not really cost effective maybe...
I haven't done a tear down/or rebuild to know any ill effects either...
No signs of any wear issues, smells or discoloration either
I like synthetic oils/fluids, used them for a while now, with great success,
in the overall scheme of things, in my money spent already, it's not that much extra,
I think about it; "it's the life blood of the trans" {or engine}
I'm not willing to gamble with something, just because it's cheap,
only to save a few $$$'s even {even if it's $50, not there IMO}...
Obviously some people sware by the cheap generic **** too, that's just not me...
I'm not bucks up or foolish either, I'm just doing what I know works for me....
I use to use B&M trick shift years ago {like 20+}, but I didn't pay for it either,
IMO it was a good fluid, Vic Hubbards pushed it back then...
I use to use F-Type for years too, with no real issues either...
I have a buddy {he's a avid drag-racer too} that tests oils & fluids, engine, trans etc.
for Chevron Research facilities in Point Pinole Ca./Richmond refinery,
he says Redline & Royal Purple are both good products...
I don't trust some of the studies out there, way too bias
I don't trust cheap fluids either, it's the life blood of the trans, engine, driveline etc.
no matter what others say, that's not a place to skimp IMO...
I trust what works for me & what my buddy said...
Like I said it may not be as cost effective,
but I don't change my trans fluid very often now either, so it's over allot longer time...
It'd be different if I had to change it allot, but I don't
or IF it's on a fleet of vehicles maybe, where I need to be more budget/cost minded...
I use to use Torco Racing oils/fluids "exclusively" in my hi-$$$ race builds,
I've gotten a slightly little more frugal lately...LOL, main reseason
it's not readily available like Redline or royal Purple either...
good luck what ever you choose, opinion are like -------'s, well you know everyone has one...LOL