dino oil is obsolete
natural gas based requires less additives and does not shear down nearly as much
ep is built in
Wix filters or private wix brands like Napa gold
who makes K&N
remember do not add the usual additives to LN oil they take a different additive you actually lose EP
Well not exactly true.
¨Dino¨ based lubrication is very very far from obsolete.
Type 4 or true PAO oil may or may not be natural gas derived. Indeed very little for our moderately uncritical automotive use is. Marketing heralds sure make all the noise and shake thos snake rattles to make consumers buy onto the schitck!
The EP everyone loves to wax silly about assumes:
A: Clean internal equipment (engine ).
B: Clean filtration meaning properly changed as the wear debris and combustion soot load and acidity build up demands
C: Clean breather and air intake filtration.
D: Good properly specified, installed, gasket systems (NO goober snot RTV ooze out or over torqued broken gaskets, haphazardly mishandled ¨O¨ rings, etc..). All those things will lead to trash in the oil, filtration clogs, and if one has a really nice day; oil passage blockage). OooooooooH, yeah, we do not want coolant cross contamination either.
But heck the Laboratory weenies under controlled conditions with unlimited funds can routinely show astounding EP mileage or TBC (time before change).
Lubrication packages and AW packages are a whole other technical subject. But for our purposes here there is nothing wrong with adding ZDDP to Type 4 (PAO) engine oils. NO it will NOT shorten the useable life .... remember the real enemy of engine oil is acidity from condensation which builds the corrosion that accelerates wear debris and ...... SO we really should not want to run our oil more than 3000 mi. or in the Spring if the car sat over Winter.
Alas.... nothing is easy. And we never got into all that fun Tribology stuff or beta 200+ filters with those slithering snake emollient marketeers!

Thank for the rant.