The newest "latest scare", I'm sure some "financial" agenda behind it
all these studies are skewed ,follow the $$$/funding from who publishes these studies
in a long, long line of them for 50+ years now
Hell breathing the air will kill you, eating hot dogs, alcohol is bad for the heart
seems everything will kill you, drinking the water in many places too,
most anything in moderation isn't all that bad {
to an extent}
well except cobalt arsenic, in the drinking water like western Nevada
if you believe all the recent Climate Scam/BS
we will all be under water anyway so don't sweat it,
the sky is falling, the water is rising, oh no
the plastics pollution is a bad deal,
Globalists "foreign countries" shitholes using the oceans as a dumping ground
that part IMO is the biggest issues
I'm certainly no eco-Nazi activists, or a zealot either
but I'm not a polluter either, I actually try & I'm good at recycling