I agree with Steve on this, Its not "nice" to make these kids/people work on the holiday (if thats whats going on, I have no idea), BUT on the other side of the coin, people making $13 an hour probably need the over time, OR should be begging for it, if they were smart. I worked a lot of holidays while building my business, uhhh actually like everyone for a decade, lol... It didn't hurt me, but I did miss the kids a bit, which paid off because now I can see them when ever I want and give them a life I could only see on tv when I was a kid, uhh the only tv in our house, and it had a black line across the top center, lol...
I don't know what the climate of these places is, I know when I need help on the holidays (don't do it much anymore, just emergency calls, and in all the years I have been doing this, on the few occasions I had calls on xmas or thanksgiving, I go out myself when possible. If I need my guys on holidays I pay them well, I had a pipe freeze at a prison we service, UNDER ground main return line, xmas eve!! Needs to be fixed and FAST or temp services need to be aligned, these arent people who can just go to a hotel, lol...
So I had 6 guys at the time, I sent them all the same text, "frozen line at RIACI, I need 320E, 2 skid steers, and mini loaded and ready in 1 hour, only text back if you can make it, I understand if not" EVERYONE texted back!!! I pulled up to the sight and everyone already had their badges, temp fence and lights were all setup, machines were off the trailers, my guys were already reading prints, it ended up taking us 2 days to do the repair, wasnt frozen at all, it was broken, we dug it, fixed it changed a couple pumps, and backfilled it (had to BF fast since it would have froze, BUT did you ever try digging frozen ground, lol, cat320 with custom made narrow bucket for high ground psi.. NOW I have a vac-con hotshot, google that thing, changed the business for ever, Ill get to the bottom of an iceberg in 20 minutes and never sit in a machine...
So when we finished up and we got back to my shop, I handed them $1000 cash each, they were floored, even my helpers making $15-20 an hour got the $1000, plus I paid them triple time for all the hours from the time I texted them to the time we left the shop the day after... (The DOC was charged almost 6 figures for that repair!!

BUT I am sure that is not the case for walmart employees.
And for anyone thinking "if they don't like it they can get another job", that sucks for you. Some people have to start somewhere and are not handed say "their fathers business", , so IMO taking advantage of someones NEED, makes you a bad person, when I ask my guys to work on a holiday, I am in that hole with a shovel too, I will let them sit in the heated machine and I will put the gloves on and shovel in the sleet and rain while they sit in the machine with internet radio, heat, ac, blutooth, etc.
I was always told, you want your workers to work hard, give them someone to keep up with. When we used to go out and do cleanings, I did 13 a day and my guys would try and try to beat me, and only once did one of them do it, but I was all over the place that day and he was in 1 town, I know excuses, lol...
So I think its easy for someone sitting in with their families on the holiday eating the food they could easily afford to say " Screw the poor, they deserve it for not trying harder", lol.. It takes all kinds, and being kind, considerate, and understanding of those with less "options" shows good character, IMO. I have no patience for people using the system and collecting, undeserved ssi, welfare, and other assistance instead of working, so when I see people working no matter what they are doing, I respect them...
I don't know, I guess I would just be embarrassed to look down on people that are struggling and don't have a lot of options, if these companies are saying "either work or your fired", then that sucks, but they are writing the checks, so you do what the boss says, my cousin is a resident at level 1 trauma hospital, he worked thanksgiving and he has to work this xmas, just the low peg on the pole, he don't complain, its just how it is...
I would love to go back to how it used to be, nothing open on sundays but church and a gas station, thanksgiving being a day for giving thanks and not a day to save on "stuff", lol. I was never one for waiting in lines, I'll drive 39 minutes to another restaurant that has no wait not to wait 20 minutes at the restaurant we are standing at, lol.. I have done it... so i am not the type to wait in line for something like a sale, if its all I can afford to get my kids and there is a limited amount available, I have the mindset "they will live, let someone else have it for their kids, mine will understand and learn something from not having it"....
I may be a hypocrite though, I waited in my truck for an hour one day waiting for a gentleman I was buying a wurly 1080 off of to show up, got there early to make sure I was the first one to see it, but this was recently and I really wanted it, in my defense, I drove 2 hours to get there and he was an hour late, so it was either go home empty handed or wait, and I am glad I did, its about the best one in m collection..
ahhhh, that felt good, nice long post for you guys that missed them, I have been so busy, not much time to get some walls of texts for the mopar forum, I felt empty inside...