I am not questioning Hemirunners ability in any way here as I don't have personal experience on his work. More times than not on the stuff I've seen, the attempted weld repair just caused more cracks and made it more difficult to get it sealed. Improper heating and cooling while welding will cause additional cracks and make it almost impossible to drill,tap and pin like in a stitching process. The surface just becomes extremely hard.
I feel your best and most cost effective choice would be to find someone that uses the Lock n Stitch method on a regular basis, then pressure test. The good cast iron welding repair guys are few and far between it seems and they should be compensated well for their work.
Here's some pics that show the amount of work I had to put in to repair an original 409 Chevy car block that someone tried repairing the crack with a weld, then and other weld, then another and so on. Block would crack beside the weld upon cooling, so they would just lay down another weld. Had to cut the entire area out and replace. When the repair is done the pins will all overlap like in the last pic, ground down and peeked around the edges. ]