Seems like a common theme running through this thread is that the basic economics of keeping the lights on in a business works against getting restoration body work done at anything other than a premium price. Same deal is my experience in the trucking business - time is money and cash flow is essential. The smaller business, or individual hobbyist in our case, has an advantage in not being pushed to get stuff out the door.
I was shocked while inspecting my current GTX prior to purchase, when the previous owners revealed that they had painted the car themselves in the garage where it was stored. The paint quality was a good as anything I've seen on a GTX at the big shows, and it was 20 years old. The brothers admitted it was the first car they had ever done. What made it work, was they had no time constraints, and put an unlimited number of hours into surface prep on what was already a good foundation.
Same thing with the paint - they blocked and sanded with no regard to time until they got it perfect. A shop doing it for profit doesn't have this luxury.