What the hell...It has been 4 1/2 years, why not post an update?
To all that looked at your screens and saw a HUGE increase in alerts today, it was because I went back and read this whole 7 page thread just for the sake of nostalgia. I hit the alert buttons too many times to count.I like reading old threads and stuff...It helps show how things have changed over time.
The thicker head gaskets solved my detonation problem, period. No knocks, no pings, even in 100 degree weather. The cranking PSI went from the 191 range down to 165-168 !
I didn't leave the combination alone though. I got tired of the lazy part throttle performance of the big cam and loose converter. It was a great straight line performer at WIDE open throttle, a great burnout setup....but I wanted it to feel more like how a late model performance car feels at part throttle. That meant a smaller, milder cam and a tighter torque converter.
First though, I tried advancing the Lunati cam. I knew from when I degreed it that I had a HUGE amount of piston to valve clearance several degrees before and after TDC so I moved it to a 102 centerline. THis moved the cranking PSI up about 2 points. It idled slightly better, felt a little more responsive but still felt lazy at 40-55 mph in overdrive. I still blamed the converter for most of that but I figured that the cam shared some of the blame.
I switched back to direct drive and sold the Gear Vendors. I had Lenny at Ultimate Converter Concepts build an 11" converter for it and swapped the 3.91 diff for a new 3.55 setup. With this, the car was greatly improved but that rough idle was still bugging me. I swapped in a Mopar 528 solid cam. The idle vacuum nearly doubled. The rough idle and lope was almost totally gone. That was a bit of a bummer, I would have liked to kept a little more lope but sometimes you take what you get. Cranking PSI went to 175, NO knocking and better street manners by a long shot.
I miss the WOT performance of the Lunati sometimes. I still have it stowed away with the lifters kept in the proper order. I don't know if I'll reuse it though since I am adding A/C to the car soon.
Thanks for tuning in, thanks for all the advice. It all worked out though it sure was a long road to get there!