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Camshafts: All else being equal, what does an increase in LIFT have on performance?

Kern Dog

Life is full of turns. Build your car to handle.
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
6:43 PM
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
Lets say you have two camshafts with identical specs except the lift.
Same duration, same intake centerline, same lobe separation but one has say .480 lift and the other has .520. What does the additional lift do for performance?
A quickie Google search has evolved (or DEvolved) into experimental AI which could be good or bad, but it stated that higher lift makes more power but primarily at high rpm. It stated that torque was often negatively affected while high rpm was increased.
That seems incorrect to me as that sounds more like the effect that duration has, not lift.
The old fashioned Mopar Performance camshafts always seemed long on duration and short on lift, I assumed it was because they figured that their stuff was intended to be used in Mopar engines utilizing the stock rocker arms and that once you get much past .500 lift, the rocker arms are at the limits in terms of contact patterns on the valve stems.
Hughes Engines looked at it the opposite way. Their cams are often long on lift compared to the duration numbers.
What are your thoughts?
I always thought (in basic terms:
More lift = valves opened more = more fuel/air in, more exhaust out = more power, similar to higher ratio rocker arms.

Longer duration = valves opened longer = more fuel/air in, more exhaust out = more power.

I haven't researched it though, I'm sure there's more to it than that. Looking forward to learning something.
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Lift technically does not effect driveability ( look at all these new engines LS, 3 Gen) they all idle smooth and most are over or right at .500 lift. The idea of more lift at same duration is faster opening and closing of the valve resulting in being open further at any point the duration except for the open and closing points. Valve being open more results in more airflow and more power.
Using David Frieburger's door opening and closing analogy that he did on engine Masters. If the door opens and closes for same length of time(duration ), but opens wider(lift), more stuff can pass though wider open door(higher lift) in the allotted time (same duration).
It basically changes the ramp speed of the lobe, and how fast the valve opens. Putting more stress on lifter to lobes interface, and also all the components on the way to the valve and spring. Roller cam alleviates this stress on lifter but not on valvetrain. OEMs use this to get high lift with smaller duration to achieve smooth idle and be able to spread LSA to reduce emissions and still trap cylinder pressure, but that's a whole different direction.
Hope that makes some sense.
see if you can fine the episode of engine masters on cam shafts they have a few on different themes i. e lift and lobe separation and more.


this one is the answer to your question .
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I’m not going to get into a long winded technical discussion about it, but….
Fundamentally I don’t get too worked up about lift.

I select lobes from families I feel are suitable for the application, and the lift just ends up where it does.

The premise in the OP is rarely the real world though.
In most cases, to end up with more lift at the same duration…….the lobe has to be faster(at least in part of the curve), and I would attribute any potential power gains more to that aspect of the cam than the lift itself.

Back when I was doing a lot of dyno testing, I did the rocker ratio swap numerous times.
It was almost never a silver bullet of power, and occasionally the higher ratio resulted in less power.
The key in this discussion is a cam designed for lower RPM can open faster, because ramps can be steeper. A higher rpm cam has to have gentler ramps to prevent valve float because of the faster speeds that comes with higher RPM's. We are only comparing lifts here, not duration, and why operating RPM is so crucial in cam selection.
Maybe the video's above I did not watch say the same thing, or should?
Area under the curve is the key for low rpm applications I believe.
Maybe i should watch the videos.
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each engine is different and require different lift and deration DEPENDING ON WHAT YOU WANT OR USE desired. my cam shaft for a fuel infection is way different then my carb set up cam shaft same engine fundamentally but different cam shaft needs for a different set up so talk to the cam company to get the performance you expect.
Thanks to everyone that responded.
I was just curious as to why a company like Hughes would seem to favor the higher lift with their cams. at least the hydraulic roller ones that I have seen.

The lift should technically be based on the flow of the heads. Stock iron heads somewhat ported.. say around .500. If they do not pick up after that, there is no point going further. On the other hand, a super duper set of indys may keep increasing the flow up to sy .700. If you are using a .500 cam in that application, you're wasting money paying for the extra flow of the heads.
Lets say you have two camshafts with identical specs except the lift.
Same duration, same intake centerline, same lobe separation but one has say .480 lift and the other has .520. What does the additional lift do for performance?
A quickie Google search has evolved (or DEvolved) into experimental AI which could be good or bad, but it stated that higher lift makes more power but primarily at high rpm. It stated that torque was often negatively affected while high rpm was increased.
That seems incorrect to me as that sounds more like the effect that duration has, not lift.
The old fashioned Mopar Performance camshafts always seemed long on duration and short on lift, I assumed it was because they figured that their stuff was intended to be used in Mopar engines utilizing the stock rocker arms and that once you get much past .500 lift, the rocker arms are at the limits in terms of contact patterns on the valve stems.
Hughes Engines looked at it the opposite way. Their cams are often long on lift compared to the duration numbers.
What are your thoughts?
I recommend a power pro series titled how to build and modify Chevrolet small block V8 camshafts and valve trains. If you avoid the Chevrolet in the title it's a good read and will tell you all you need to know about camshafts and valve trains.
I like high lift as long as the head can use it. there is no downside with lift it helps low end, mid range and top end not like duration which there is always a compromise when going more duration.
Part of the reason that I was curious about this is because I'm rebuilding a 360 for a Dart. The engine I have came to me with Hughes 1.6 roller rocker arms. Also, I noticed that Hughes brand camshafts seem to favor higher lift than I'm used to seeing elsewhere.
I think you might mean same duration at 0.050"? but with more lift?
If the cam has more lift it has to open the valve faster, so all durations above 0.050" would be larger too.
Generally, more lift is more airflow, more air can burn more fuel, so more power. The downside is the faster acceleration is harder on the valve train, so valve train life and stability can suffer, and usually requires more expensive parts.
The Hughes cams are good, most cams use a lobe designed for a smaller diameter lifter, which limits how fast they can open/close. The larger 0.904" Chrysler lifter allows for more lift per degree rotation. Has to do with the lobe to lifter diameter geometry.
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Part of the reason that I was curious about this is because I'm rebuilding a 360 for a Dart. The engine I have came to me with Hughes 1.6 roller rocker arms. Also, I noticed that Hughes brand camshafts seem to favor higher lift than I'm used to seeing elsewhere.
I would not run 1.6 rockers with a Hughes cam unless you're just going to do 1/4 miles.
The lift should technically be based on the flow of the heads. Stock iron heads somewhat ported.. say around .500. If they do not pick up after that, there is no point going further. On the other hand, a super duper set of indys may keep increasing the flow up to sy .700. If you are using a .500 cam in that application, you're wasting money paying for the extra flow of the heads.
Here is a case for more lift than the heads flow. You have a given duration and ramp speed that is required. In most cases the lobe lift will be what it is. The valve is at full open duration for a very small percentage of valve opening. The rest of the lobe design is the important consideration. One would think if you could make a lobe look like a rectangular block power would be at it's greatest as that would give a maximum window for flow. You can only open and close the valve at a given rate depending on valvetrain stability. Also from what I think now that I understand is that the ramp can be designed to fast for best power. There can be some pretty wild lobes staying at low lift and increased duration. I would bet that flat tappet Stock Eliminator cams are some of the toughest on valvetrain parts. If you really want to confuse yourself read Billy Godblood's cam book.
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