Yes there should be a ground wire that goes all the way over to the battery. But it also gets bolted to the engine via A/C bracket on its way over there. This might be enough because the 100 amp alt has vibration isolating mounts.Also the smaller stud on my alternator is not hooked up to anything should it be grounded?
yeah gave this a try still no luck i might have the alternator tested again just to be sureThe green wire coming out of the voltage regulator (blue connector) runs to the back of the alternator. On the off chance that this wire is broken/melted/messed up you may want to back stab your ground to the green wire at the alternator connection. Just be aware that the two field wires are very close together and you only want the green one grounded to test if increase in RPM will give increase in volts. This will eliminate the 4 or 5 foot of green wire from the circuit.