Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Taking a break from the silliness that is the political forum, and amazingly I have no car issues to report. So my thoughts turn to beer, of course. Wanted to throw out some suggestions for you beer drinkers out there.
To give you a bit of background, there was a time when I was kind of a beer snob. Then I moved to Chicago, and had to look for a job. And it was at this pivotal point, broke and unemployed, that I discovered the joy of cheap beer.
Not just any cheap beer, mind you. My roommate at the time was a big fan of Miller High Life. Since he paid for it and was happy to share, I drank plenty of it that summer. And over the months that we consumed one 30-pack after another, I realized that not all cheap beers are equal. So without further ado, I present a few cheap beers that I choose to purchase now that I am employed. I buy cheap beer because I like it, not because I need to, which I give thanks for this Holiday season.
My number one cheap beer is Pabst Blue Ribbon. As you can tell by my forum name, I'm a big fan. I started drinking it when I lived in Seattle... where many dive bars and small music venues had it on tap, and it slowly but surely replaced High Life as my go to cheap beer. Same price as High Life, or a bit cheaper- I really dig that Pabst has not changed it's recipe, it's can. It's often criticized as a hipster beer, but I ain't no hipster and I could care less who drinks it as long as it stays around. For those of you who somehow have no idea what Pabst is about:
Second favorite, but rising fast in the rankings, is Olympia. But unlike Pabst, Oly has put out a new recipe- what they call "95% Malt", and it's good. For a cheap beer, it's very good. Look for the Oly in the orange can, I've see it at smaller liquor stores and BevMo, but not large grocery stores:
Third place is my old standby, Miller High Life. To be clear, High Life. MGD is disgusting in my book. But a ice cold High Life is hard to beat. In Chicago, my buddy and I calculated that it was cheaper than bottled water. We never compared it to our utility bill, but it might've been cheaper than tap water, and it certainly tasted better.
Honorable mentions go to Old Style, which I remember being not great, but so iconic of Chicago that I can't hate it. Rainier is Seattle's equivalent. I drank a ton of Henry Weinhard's in college, but I don't see it around anymore.
Looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on the above, and giving suggestions for other cheap beers. I'm thirsty, gotta head home and check the oil on the Charger over a few beers.

Taking a break from the silliness that is the political forum, and amazingly I have no car issues to report. So my thoughts turn to beer, of course. Wanted to throw out some suggestions for you beer drinkers out there.
To give you a bit of background, there was a time when I was kind of a beer snob. Then I moved to Chicago, and had to look for a job. And it was at this pivotal point, broke and unemployed, that I discovered the joy of cheap beer.
Not just any cheap beer, mind you. My roommate at the time was a big fan of Miller High Life. Since he paid for it and was happy to share, I drank plenty of it that summer. And over the months that we consumed one 30-pack after another, I realized that not all cheap beers are equal. So without further ado, I present a few cheap beers that I choose to purchase now that I am employed. I buy cheap beer because I like it, not because I need to, which I give thanks for this Holiday season.
My number one cheap beer is Pabst Blue Ribbon. As you can tell by my forum name, I'm a big fan. I started drinking it when I lived in Seattle... where many dive bars and small music venues had it on tap, and it slowly but surely replaced High Life as my go to cheap beer. Same price as High Life, or a bit cheaper- I really dig that Pabst has not changed it's recipe, it's can. It's often criticized as a hipster beer, but I ain't no hipster and I could care less who drinks it as long as it stays around. For those of you who somehow have no idea what Pabst is about:
Second favorite, but rising fast in the rankings, is Olympia. But unlike Pabst, Oly has put out a new recipe- what they call "95% Malt", and it's good. For a cheap beer, it's very good. Look for the Oly in the orange can, I've see it at smaller liquor stores and BevMo, but not large grocery stores:
Third place is my old standby, Miller High Life. To be clear, High Life. MGD is disgusting in my book. But a ice cold High Life is hard to beat. In Chicago, my buddy and I calculated that it was cheaper than bottled water. We never compared it to our utility bill, but it might've been cheaper than tap water, and it certainly tasted better.
Honorable mentions go to Old Style, which I remember being not great, but so iconic of Chicago that I can't hate it. Rainier is Seattle's equivalent. I drank a ton of Henry Weinhard's in college, but I don't see it around anymore.
Looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on the above, and giving suggestions for other cheap beers. I'm thirsty, gotta head home and check the oil on the Charger over a few beers.