Well-Known Member
1982, I was on Military leave, home for Christmas. I drove my 1976 Triumph Spitfire from RI to Lowry AFB, Denver CO. Along the way I picked up 2 cases of Gennesee Cream Ale in a town outside of Harrisburg PA.
Well, I arrived at denver, Lowry AFB and parked in billeting. (where one would check into a base, get lodging etc)
I opened up my trunk, get my briefcase out with papers/travel orders and head into the front desk. It's Jan, like the 5th or so. Cold, rainy and 7PMish.
I left the trunk open with my Nikkormat camera, a sony walkman like device, my suitcase (small) and of course the Genny cream ale 2 cases.
I come out after checking in and the beer is gone!
Everything else was left in the trunk but the Genney cream Ale was gone!
Ha Ha! I was pissed...
Cream Ale (actually Cream Ale Light) was my beer of choice when I lived up in NYS many moons ago. When I was in high school I couldn't stand it - and regular Genny was even worse - but at $0.79/6pk it was plenty cheap. After I got out of the service and came home I could only drink Molson, Labbots, Heinikin etc. but soon the price took its toll and I settled in on Cream Ale Light. Drank it for years until I moved south. The day we moved I put 6 cases in my truck as we drove south figuring I'd never find it down here. Milked those cases for quite awhile until I was almost out. Came home from work one day and the refrig had grown more Creamers. My wife found it in a store. For the most part I've been able to find it on and off in the areas we've lived in in NC - but always in the imported beer section and at imported beer prices!!! This summer I was back in NY on vacation and picked up a couple 30 pks for $15 to bring home. They apparently don't make the light anymore. It still tastes good but the damn stuff gives me a headache anymore - most beer does.