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Cheap beer choices

1982, I was on Military leave, home for Christmas. I drove my 1976 Triumph Spitfire from RI to Lowry AFB, Denver CO. Along the way I picked up 2 cases of Gennesee Cream Ale in a town outside of Harrisburg PA.
Well, I arrived at denver, Lowry AFB and parked in billeting. (where one would check into a base, get lodging etc)
I opened up my trunk, get my briefcase out with papers/travel orders and head into the front desk. It's Jan, like the 5th or so. Cold, rainy and 7PMish.
I left the trunk open with my Nikkormat camera, a sony walkman like device, my suitcase (small) and of course the Genny cream ale 2 cases.
I come out after checking in and the beer is gone!
Everything else was left in the trunk but the Genney cream Ale was gone!
Ha Ha! I was pissed...

Cream Ale (actually Cream Ale Light) was my beer of choice when I lived up in NYS many moons ago. When I was in high school I couldn't stand it - and regular Genny was even worse - but at $0.79/6pk it was plenty cheap. After I got out of the service and came home I could only drink Molson, Labbots, Heinikin etc. but soon the price took its toll and I settled in on Cream Ale Light. Drank it for years until I moved south. The day we moved I put 6 cases in my truck as we drove south figuring I'd never find it down here. Milked those cases for quite awhile until I was almost out. Came home from work one day and the refrig had grown more Creamers. My wife found it in a store. For the most part I've been able to find it on and off in the areas we've lived in in NC - but always in the imported beer section and at imported beer prices!!! This summer I was back in NY on vacation and picked up a couple 30 pks for $15 to bring home. They apparently don't make the light anymore. It still tastes good but the damn stuff gives me a headache anymore - most beer does.
Back in my younger days we would pool our money and get a sixer of name brand beer and a case of Yacht Club, a New York beer if I remember right. Returnable bottles and half the labels were on upside down. You had to drink a few regular beers and kill your taste buds before you could stomach a Yacht Club, but the case was cheaper than the six pack of good stuff. Cheapest buzz in town! We just got Yuengling in Cleveland and I'm not impressed. Now, I drink Great Lakes Brewery, Dortmunder or porter, or Newcastle Brown Ale.
I thought this was about cheap beer. Some of these mentioned are pretty pricey to me! I liked Keystone and PBR, but they have gotten too high priced. I have been on the good old Hamms for a while now. 10 bucks a 30 pack around here, can't beat it. I did try some beer called Boxer Lager a while back, because it was 12 bucks a 36 pack. I won't be doing that again, it was hard to get through that case.
Anyone had Carling Black Label?

Might as well be water, as it gets you the same buzz.

Me and a bud drank a whole case in about an hour and a half one time and never got drunk.

Had to piss 5 times each before even a slight buzz.

+1 for Newcastle, that a nice "mid-price" product that's good quality. Close competitor is JW Dundee Honey Brown.
Speaking of watered-down swill, anyone remember this crap?

In the 70's we drank Schlitz and Hams beer after work in the dealer every day along with a fifth of something.
I dont need an alcohol "buzz" so bad that I drink cheap ****...LOL
Session is a production lager an is about the cheapest I drink. Its also the lowest alcohol content.

Dont like the wheatons or froo froo as it was put but we do drink the 8-10% india pales a lot and stouts. Porkchop in every bottle we used to say... no need to eat when you can drinkl your meal :)
Nothing wrong with a tasty brew. PBR, Coors light, Miller, Hamms... all tastes the same and if you're drinking for effect one good beer does the same as two crappy beers. SO I dont bother as I dont need a beer so bad as to settle for watered down skunkpiss...LOL

When I was in highschool and in my 20's it was all about cheap stuff... Now its all about taste and quality

Had an ex girlfriend who''s father used to cut Miller lite in half with water... I didnt say a word
Speaking of watered-down swill, anyone remember this crap?

View attachment 91342

I think I only tried it once but not a vary favorable impression for sure. Speaking of watered down beer - anyone have the pleasure of drinking 3:2 beer at any military bases??? I remember when I was in AIT at Ft. Gordon many, many moons ago that is all you could get on post. I can recall sitting in a club on base drinking the stuff by the pitcher and doing nothing but pissing every 10 minutes.... If you drank enough you could catch a buzz while drinking it but as soon as you stopped it wore right off. Great beer!
Anyone had Carling Black Label?

Might as well be water, as it gets you the same buzz.

Me and a bud drank a whole case in about an hour and a half one time and never got drunk.

Had to piss 5 times each before even a slight buzz.

+1 for Newcastle, that a nice "mid-price" product that's good quality. Close competitor is JW Dundee Honey Brown.

LOL, I remember Black Label...
The TV jingle:
"Mabel...bring me a Black Label"
Carling Blac Label...Brewed on the shores of Lake Cochituate. (outside of Natick, Mass. The Carling Brewery was located here. Now a "super-fund" site??)

- - - Updated - - -

That's funny maybe "the MP's took it"...LOL... those service men have their priorities straight, "beer 1st" & especially good beers...

Yeah Budnicks...you know, on each can of Foster's it says it's brewed in Canada!
Go figure!
But the MPs ALWAYS had the best "weed"
Anyone had Carling Black Label?

Might as well be water, as it gets you the same buzz.

Me and a bud drank a whole case in about an hour and a half one time and never got drunk.

Had to piss 5 times each before even a slight buzz.

+1 for Newcastle, that a nice "mid-price" product that's good quality. Close competitor is JW Dundee Honey Brown.

Used to drink a lot of Carling Black Label when I was in the military. We actually had a beer vending machine by the PX so you could still buy beer after the PX was closed. It only had Carling Black Label in cans in it and it cost 25 cents a can. I always carried a roll of quarters in case of a beer emergency. I hear that Carling is being made in Canada by Molsons now. Haven't seen it down here.
Black Label....

Used to drink a lot of Carling Black Label when I was in the military. We actually had a beer vending machine by the PX so you could still buy beer after the PX was closed. It only had Carling Black Label in cans in it and it cost 25 cents a can. I always carried a roll of quarters in case of a beer emergency. I hear that Carling is being made in Canada by Molsons now. Haven't seen it down here.

We used to have to drink that "SWILL" back in the day in Viet Nam. They had warehouses full of the stuff. Went flat from sitting in the warehouses in that heat and humidity. No one wanted to drink it so it accumulated until they lifted our ration quota from 3 cases a week to unlimited. Worst Beer hangover I have ever had was drinking that "****":icon_oak::icon_oak::icon_oak: Aussie Beer for me is 1st VB:VB toast::VB toast::VB toast:and then TOOEYS. Fosters to Australia is like Budweiser to the US...crap Beer.
I like Old Style and Special Export when I can get it too. Currently on a low carb diet so I drink Michelob Ultra right now. Mostly though Vodka or Potato Juice if you prefer.

Question: What do Sex in a Canoe and Coor's Lite have in common???? They are both real close to H2O....:blob1::blob1::blob1::blob1::blob1::blob1::blob1:
New house, new baby, cutting grass and pinching pennies in the 80's.
Got a 12 of Carling Black Label for $5 and change.
Ice cold Carling tasted pretty good on a hot summer day.
You wanna get drunk off one beer?

Hefeweisen- Spaten Optimator specifically.

...and damn tasty without being overly hoppy. Nice balance between hop and malt.

...and I don't need a beer.

An alcoholic needs a beer.

I have a beer!
No cheap stuff for me.

Shiner Bock, actually I enjoy all brews of the Shiner family. Sometimes in one night! lol
Carlings my choice, but every fuckin beer gives me the shits the next evening. So I just stick to some Vodka. Haven't drank in months though, I'm usually the dd.
You got it all wrong! Were talking cheap here right? This was Dad's staple and us kids when we ran out. Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel! Wisconsin-Club-Beer-Labels-Jos-Huber-Brewing-Company_47288-1.jpg
Meisterbrau. I think that's how you spell it.
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