I like Rolling Rock too. Too bad now it is the "Spirit" of the Laurel Highlands. The chaser sounds good.Rolling Rock, or good old Coors Lite. And with the money saved, I can have a Maker's Mark chaser. :grin:
get some aussie beer into ya moite, put hair on your chest.
For this time of year, Samuel Adams Creme Stout. It cannot be beat.
This thread reminded me of when I was in the Air Force back in the late 60s. I was stationed at Hickam AFB in Hawaii and the base package store was right across the street from our barracks. I could buy Primo beer for $2.10 a case (24 bottles). The funny part is that we were restricted to 7 cases a day, per customer. I guess they were worried that we might drink too much. After I was discharged, I had to cut back my drinking quite a bit for financial reasons.
It seems to me that Keystone has "bridged" a generation. The young kids are drinking it. Could be that it is not too pricey.I liked the regular Keystone, but now they only sell the light down here.
Aw c'mon, Bud, if this thread's gonna promote Miller High Gloss Floor Cleaner, then we can sure make some room for the Best of the Rockies Runoff! :yes:
Actually, I might try this on my panckaes Saturday morning.
Mosquito, I've heard great things about Yuengling, but we can't get it out west.
Dennis, haven't had Genny Cream Ale, have heard good things about it as well.
benno, haven't had XXXX, but I've had Coopers. Yes, I know that Fosters is not the favored beer down under...
Ive been to Perth AND Melbourne, could NOT FIND Fosters!
But had Victoria Bitters...yummy!
1982, I was on Military leave, home for Christmas. I drove my 1976 Triumph Spitfire from RI to Lowry AFB, Denver CO. Along the way I picked up 2 cases of Gennesee Cream Ale in a town outside of Harrisburg PA.
Well, I arrived at denver, Lowry AFB and parked in billeting. (where one would check into a base, get lodging etc)
I opened up my trunk, get my briefcase out with papers/travel orders and head into the front desk. It's Jan, like the 5th or so. Cold, rainy and 7PMish.
I left the trunk open with my Nikkormat camera, a sony walkman like device, my suitcase (small) and of course the Genny cream ale 2 cases.
I come out after checking in and the beer is gone!
Everything else was left in the trunk but the Genney cream Ale was gone!
Ha Ha! I was pissed...