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Cheap beer choices

haha love it, nah this is what i drink mate
Rolling Rock, or good old Coors Lite. And with the money saved, I can have a Maker's Mark chaser. :grin:
I like Rolling Rock too. Too bad now it is the "Spirit" of the Laurel Highlands. The chaser sounds good.
+1 for Rolling Rock. It's actually a good quality brew disguised as a cheap beer!

Shiner Bock (a DAMN GOOD brew) used to be the same way (about $7 a six), but they've recently figured out that they can charge $9.50 and people will still buy it.
This has hapened within the last 6 months :(

Hileman's Old Style used to be available in Ohio, in the 80s.
get some aussie beer into ya moite, put hair on your chest.

Gee, what happend to Victoria Bitters?

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You know?
Funny you should post this informative and entertainig post:
I've been all around the world, sampled many beers.
Now, I choose Bud. Just Bud, not Bud light.
BUT: Pabst is a truly smooth beer AND it leaves no after-taste. I LOVE it. Coors light gives me a headache.
Yup, Pabst is a great beer and they have stayed true to their history and formula.
The "Old" Pabst Brewery WAS in Milwaukee for a Century. But now it's produced in Canada (Fallstaff?)
Remember: NO "FOO FOO" beer for me!
No "Fat Tire", No "Shock Top", No "Blue Moon"....
My motto? If your handing me a beer with "FRUIT" in it...dont! I'll pass.

Yeah, I'll drive up "nor cal" soon and I'll bring a cooler of ice cold Pabst for "US" Pabster!

:VB toast:
Bush beer and Old Milwaukee..light beers with good flavor
Sooo... this would be a definite no, I assume.

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Definitely a 'no no"

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For this time of year, Samuel Adams Creme Stout. It cannot be beat.

I cant drimk Sammy's anymore.
Had a KEG in my Keg-0-rator and it just did not appeal to me.
BUT: YAY on the Keystone and Keystone Light!
I recently gave a couple of Airmen here at the F22 Test facility a case of Keystone Lights.
They did a GREAT JOB so I bought them the beer of their choice.
They asked me for "Stones Light" so later I found out that was KEYSTONE beer... (STONEs)
I liked the regular Keystone, but now they only sell the light down here.
This thread reminded me of when I was in the Air Force back in the late 60s. I was stationed at Hickam AFB in Hawaii and the base package store was right across the street from our barracks. I could buy Primo beer for $2.10 a case (24 bottles). The funny part is that we were restricted to 7 cases a day, per customer. I guess they were worried that we might drink too much. After I was discharged, I had to cut back my drinking quite a bit for financial reasons.
Just my opinion about "Foo Foo" beer OR commonly called "Pretty Beer" in Daytion Ohio. NOTE: I spent 12 yrs in that great blue collar city.
To me, the 'pretty beer' is made by non-beer drinking Yuppie Ivy league grads trying to capitialize on the vast beer market. Alone in the U.S it must be billions $$
So, these NON-drinking beer manufacturing micro breweries think beer drinkers are "dumb" and we will buy something with a fancy label, like a bicycle w/ a FAT TIRE.
I can not drink that stuff AND, the biggest insult of all is a 6-pack for $7.50 (LOL, I cant remember the last time I bought a 6-pack, must have been in 1972!)
Except for a 6-pack for a 440 build
Yeah, I buy at LEAST a 30 pack at time.

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This thread reminded me of when I was in the Air Force back in the late 60s. I was stationed at Hickam AFB in Hawaii and the base package store was right across the street from our barracks. I could buy Primo beer for $2.10 a case (24 bottles). The funny part is that we were restricted to 7 cases a day, per customer. I guess they were worried that we might drink too much. After I was discharged, I had to cut back my drinking quite a bit for financial reasons.

I spent many a night in those barracks...shared billeting with the cock-roaches! LOL!
Building 1216 I think!
Yup, we bought beer and we were 'all booze up"

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I liked the regular Keystone, but now they only sell the light down here.
It seems to me that Keystone has "bridged" a generation. The young kids are drinking it. Could be that it is not too pricey.
2010 Consumers Report gave it a "recommended" and 'best buy".
Aw c'mon, Bud, if this thread's gonna promote Miller High Gloss Floor Cleaner, then we can sure make some room for the Best of the Rockies Runoff! :yes:

Yeah, I like that... How about a Knob Creek chaser, also a great choice for washing the taste of Rocky Mountain "rented piss water" down...LOL.... How about some Mickey's Big Mouth Ale, cheap decent for the money, still goes right thru ya thou...

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I use to drink allot of MGD, Lone Star, Bud, Old English 800 or Schlitzh Malt Liquer, until I drank some really good beer & then finally saw the light, I can't hardly get that nasty tasting/smelling "so called beer", even near my mouth, I don't know how I could ever drink that nasty stuff now...

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When you get hammered the easist to order is a Bud & Jack thou...LOL..
Actually, I might try this on my panckaes Saturday morning.

Or in your pancakes it can make them fluffy as hell...LOL... I like the brand name Black-Dog-Ales thou
+1 for Mickey's

Malt Liquors and Creme Ales get the job done, but you sure do pay for it the next day.

If I want a good drunk fast- it's "regular" Budweiser...but if I have more than about 10, I get a headache the next day that I might not get if I have something else.

I remember in my younger days, calculating to the ounce, the best comination of package sizes to get for the money on hand.
Sometimes it was- 2 cases, a 12 pack, a six pack of tall boys, 2 "torpedo" 40 oz, and one quart.
You could also get "ponies"- 8oz, but rarely cost effective.

I once bought out the entire inventory of a small store, and put it all in the trunk of my 66 Olds 98.
Was almost $200 in 1986 money! Had room for a few more cases to boot.
Mosquito, I've heard great things about Yuengling, but we can't get it out west.

Dennis, haven't had Genny Cream Ale, have heard good things about it as well.

benno, haven't had XXXX, but I've had Coopers. Yes, I know that Fosters is not the favored beer down under...

Ive been to Perth AND Melbourne, could NOT FIND Fosters!
But had Victoria Bitters...yummy!

1982, I was on Military leave, home for Christmas. I drove my 1976 Triumph Spitfire from RI to Lowry AFB, Denver CO. Along the way I picked up 2 cases of Gennesee Cream Ale in a town outside of Harrisburg PA.
Well, I arrived at denver, Lowry AFB and parked in billeting. (where one would check into a base, get lodging etc)
I opened up my trunk, get my briefcase out with papers/travel orders and head into the front desk. It's Jan, like the 5th or so. Cold, rainy and 7PMish.
I left the trunk open with my Nikkormat camera, a sony walkman like device, my suitcase (small) and of course the Genny cream ale 2 cases.
I come out after checking in and the beer is gone!
Everything else was left in the trunk but the Genney cream Ale was gone!
Ha Ha! I was pissed...

Ive been to Perth AND Melbourne, could NOT FIND Fosters!
But had Victoria Bitters...yummy!

1982, I was on Military leave, home for Christmas. I drove my 1976 Triumph Spitfire from RI to Lowry AFB, Denver CO. Along the way I picked up 2 cases of Gennesee Cream Ale in a town outside of Harrisburg PA.
Well, I arrived at denver, Lowry AFB and parked in billeting. (where one would check into a base, get lodging etc)
I opened up my trunk, get my briefcase out with papers/travel orders and head into the front desk. It's Jan, like the 5th or so. Cold, rainy and 7PMish.
I left the trunk open with my Nikkormat camera, a sony walkman like device, my suitcase (small) and of course the Genny cream ale 2 cases.
I come out after checking in and the beer is gone!
Everything else was left in the trunk but the Genney cream Ale was gone!
Ha Ha! I was pissed...

That's funny maybe "the MP's took it"...LOL... those service men have their priorities straight, "beer 1st" & especially good beers...
Don't care for any "ice" beers.

...and that 5.9 thing is almost funny.

Most "regular" beers are around 6%.

Some of the "light" beers, especially the low cal ones are in the 3-4% range.

In fact, back in the 80's, Ohio actually outlawed the 3.2% "near beers" because they thought it promoted binge drinking to minors, or something to that effect.

I DO like the really high alcohol content beers like Maudite (9% IIRC) and Chimay (10/11/12%?).
The kind that won't freeze if left in the freezer overnight.
My two bits... Growing up in northern Indiana, Pabst is THE cheap beer. when i moved to the Pacific Northwest (Willamette valley) Olympia was THE cheap beer. I will say in the midwest, Pabst has a "peach" sort of flavor and Olympia was flat. Oddly enough, it was the opposite in the west; yet Old Style tasted the same no matter where you went. not sure what that was about.... anyway, Pabst is my choice for cheap beer now that I'm "back home", that is, if it's not Goose on the rocks....
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