VIPER! all the way, and who let all these dam chebby peeps in where anyway? where are the b body police? get my 69' we got some bugs need exterminatin' you can call a 2014 2015 2999 a stingray all you want it's still a chebby and not a mopar which makes it less of a car right off the bat lol I was in Vegas a few years back during the remodel of the race track and we went over to the gm experience to screw around with some cars and suv's, I was able to drive a vette then and let me tell ya @ 6' 3" I had to grab my own leg and pull it into the car just to get in or out of the dam thing. Not a fun experience. You can keep them chebby vettes. Give me the smokin hot 20103 viper any day of the week, month or year!
I got a mouth full of chaw and just said the word chebby and spit a glob of chaw as big as that vette hmm kinda looks like too. So sick of chebby crap go away chebby lovers this is a mopar site!