I've suffered from insomnia in the past, so l can speak only from my experiences and speaking to experts.
I've read that you don't actually need 8hrs of sleep, but 6 is good.
THC gummies or smoking pot is
NOT the answer! With the gummies you take 1 and then build up a resistance and then you need 2 and then 3... These are nothing but the new snake oil everyone is pushing. I've never tried these and never will, it's against my morals.
Drinking alcohol will relax you but once it's affect has worn off your back to where you started.
Caffeine stays in your body for many hrs after you drink it.
Depression/Anxiety will cause insomnia as you can't turn your mind off at night. You get into a flight or fight lying in bed waiting to fall asleep which will cause you to panic because you keep waiting to fall asleep.
Over the counter sleep gummies have helped me at times when I can't sleep, I've used these.
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Magnesium pills are a natural supplement to relax your mind. I take 2 of these about 2hrs before bed. If l'm stressed out about something, l take 3 or 4.
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B2 is also a natural supplement for the mind. I take 2 of these in the am along with my regular multivitamins.
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Get outside, go for a walk to get sunshine on your face, it's a natural form of vitamin D, as well as serotonin and melatonin which are good for your mood as well as sleep. Also you get rid of stored up energy in your body.
Keep your bedroom dark and the temperature in the room cool, say 65*.
Get a sound machine or something with a fan like an air cleaner to use for white noise to drown out background noise.
You can also use lavender oil in a diffuser or spray on your pillow, or put it on your temples as it's also a natural way to help with sleep.
Taking a warm tub with Epsom salts with magnesium and lavender will relax your body.
If your having issues you need to see your doctor or a sleep specialist to get to the source of the problem.
I hope I've helped in some way.