As I've said I've busted my *** in life and as a result I'm debt free, money doesn't come first enjoying life and the family is #1 and if not your priorities are screwed up. Yes the new job if I get it has more vacation, better insurance, better 401K, much more room for growth, etc but less money do to less hours which is what I'm wanting to get away from.
I dont know how old you are and that would make a difference id think in switching jobs but less money is ok if the security, benefits are much better at the new job. As far as money a little less is ok if your older, if not than i dont know. Im not screwed up either. I made a decisions with my wife, and that was work and i did it right up till i retired and still do, just to a lesser degree. The money I'm talking about went into the kids education and the house. This thought of I'm debt free is great but debt comes at many times in life.
People tell me they want to slow down as they've worked so hard all there lives, i ask how old they are and there not even fifty. I get a real laugh out of that.
Sure i wanted to spend more time with the kids but what do you do when three kids need braces, what do you do when they grow so fast they outgrow there clothes in know time. Every night i got home i spent time with them, it wants much but i was there and when i was home i made good use of my time with them as much as i could.
Ive been around guys who work seven days a week from sun up to well past sun down. Ive been around immigrants who work like dogs never stop and that work ethnic rubbed off on me a long time ago. Anybody can mouth off about how many hours they work or how hard they work. Just do it for 40 plus years, then your saying something.