What's a 40 hour week ?
god I wish when I was working reg. it was a 40 hr week,
not 60+
I feel your pain 747Mopar
I wish I didn't miss as much of my kids events etc.
running a bus. or traveling etc.,
but it was what I needed to do at the time...
I worked my as off to get ahead like you
& I own all my own houses, cars, trucks & other stuff...
it's hard to step back, {I was a workaholic & a devout racer too}
it reaps the benefits of seeing the kids, the dogs (I love my dogs, like family),
the better half {I lost mine early, raising a family mostly alone}
or a girlfriend what ever the case may be etc.
& doing your own personal projects, on your own time,
"is priceless"
"money isn't everything"
albeit it's people with money that always say that...
after my granddad died I changed,
one of the last things he said to me, really struck a cord
to paraphrase;
"don't work yourself to death, enjoy life, enjoy the family,
do something you love, it's not like work, but you get paid for it,
spend some of that money, life always finds a way...
He really knew me well...
Don't stress over, all the little BS, life finds a way of working out...
If it sounds good & you will make near the same money, benefits etc.
& be closer to home & spend more time with your, family, the kids, dog etc.
I say go for it...
It's a win, win situation...
Just be honest to the current employer if you get the new job,
don't leave them hanging, if they've been good to you...
It sounds like you are seriously thinking about doing it...
Doesn't sound like you're hurting for $$$, a little job change,
may be the best thing for everyone...
Good luck what ever you decide...
I won't judge you either way...