Roger, so i should leave this cam as it is currently installed?
Man, you feel like the fire under my heels....i need to get after it and get this engine out and back in with all **** done to get after it.
I did had the engine to idle with a good AFR of around 14.
At cruising speeds i had numbers between 12 and 13 AFR, once pushing it and the secondary's open the AFR would lean out a bit too much but i have a set of jets a size up for that ready.
At this point i found a rattling noise, which ended up being my header cracked at #3 cylinder and had to stop to attend repairs.
I just checked my carb out for the transition slot, see pictures.
Manually pushed the choke linkage out of the way and dropped it on the curb idle screw, guess these transition slots are too short.
The 2 holes that can be seen near the bottom face of the carb are, i assume, the idle-discharge holes right?
Near the l/h butterfly is another hole that can be partially seen, think this is ported vacuum signal?
I heard before about drilling those holes in the valves, indeed i always played with the idle adjustment screws only.
I do have a PCV valve installed, it is quite new but have never looked at it if it is still working.
Anyway i will clean it out and make sure it works before reinstalling it back on the engine.
Below are the timing curves that come with the distributor, if i need to get the all-in above 3400 i should go for the 2 silver (heavy) springs which would get me around 3300-3400
if i stay with the black bushing. (Diagram A)
I might need to change it if the initial ends up lower then now to get 32-34 total and this will increase the all-in point again. (worries for later though)