Going to the dealer tomorrow. He bought it at auction. Doesn't know crap about it, but seems dead nuts honest about his relative ignorance about it. "That looks like an B/RB engine under the hood. 383 or 440? Nah, I think it's something like a 318." Valve covers sure suggest otherwise.
Whatever the case, it'll still get the utter scrutiny, and we'll see what BS awaits the person who actually follows though in person. Trunk floor looks rather bubbly under black paint in the pictures, and he says there's some quarter rot. Doesn't sound great, and the headliner looks like a black velvet headliner that's faded into tan - M-body Fifth Avenue crap. I'm figuring this is what's left of an 1980's restoration.
Now, if someone had taken that side trim off and made this look like a proper black Road Runner, I might actually think the $8,900 is not bad. But this is just looking like an all-around waste of time and money to sell off my near-perfect Valiant (a 4-door with a dead-nuts original 22k miles, and it looks every part of it) for the privilige of the cool that a pillarless 2-door has.
Not to mention that it's also a 4-wheel drum car. As if I'm not already sick of the amount of effort I'm throwing at my Satellite to put 11.75's on it.
And despite my love for picking up movie-related cars, Duel, Adam-12, the Killer Elite, and The Stone Killer all have variants of my existing cars in them...