59 (60 in July, knock on wood)
sometimes I have the mentality of a 29 y/o
with the wisdom of a senior, that knows better, much smarter
I feel pretty much the same as I did at 40-45-ish
actually better in many ways
Especially for being in construction &
50 years of working on cars
& fabricating &/or racing for major hobbies
I have friends that are younger that are far worse off
I guess I'm fortunate, in many ways
My guess would be (
revised, edited 55-)
60 or so
is the average age of our "
active members"
we have a few younger people, but for the most part
members I see posting regularly are over or around 60-ish
I have some really knowledgeable & helpful friend here,
of many age groups, I respect them all...
we have a few younger & quite a few older too
age is only a number, in many ways
of course if your near 90, then your well seasoned
if you 20 something, you have some seasoning to do
life to live