How did the vet go? Elvis OK?
Took blood & urine samples & did ear swab, skin allergies test
his temp (up the ***) was 101*
it was 99* the last time he was in
both are well within the norms of 99*-102* for a large breed dog
she looked at his paws
he had a growth he licked & split open
that they removed that was ingrown hairs, between his toes
the last time he was in there,
everything they did looked normal
he was acting normal for a vet visit, had all the normal energy
he took a treat from the vet, I told them about me hand feeding him
& he won't eat his milk bones, dental treats or Pup-peroni's
he normally loves
or eating his dry food, even a different brand my sister feeds her dog
neither dog would eat it in my laundry room
she asked him a couple of commands, sit shake lay stay etc.
he did it like Johnny on the spot, tail wagging & alert
checked his teeth said;
they are looking really great for a 9 y/o dog
nothing obvious, it was making her & me baffled
they will do some further test,
on the blood & urine & allergies swab too
but when they initially looked at it under the microscope
all seems fine & normal no issues jumping out at them
he had some discharge out of his right ear
he has a bunch of it in that ear always
it's been managed since he was a pup, cleaning & occasional flush
been doing it regularly...
She had said;
"it could be lingering from heat exhaustion symptoms"
since he had it before
they didn't know why
he'd do the late at night limping/dragging the foot on one leg
next day he was fine
& a next day later it was the other leg, same exact symptoms
she was baffled, after she poked & prodded
then said;
nothing seem to bother him & his joints look great on the ex-rays
she looked in his eyes & ears, pretty much normal
nothing to make her worried
I will know more when they get the urine & blood test/s back
but, they gave him a good bill of health
I'll try a different dog food,
maybe he just doesn't like the old one
& try a different place to feed him too
not in my laundry room by the washer & dryer & garbage cans
maybe something is making him feel sketchy in there,
hasn't for 9+ years
or any of my other dogs either over the years
I'll try it...
I've been hand feeding him chicken bits I cooked up
I tried white rice & chicken too, in his bowl
he wouldn't touch it
he gobbles up, anything you put in his bowl normally
If I hand feed him the chicken bits, he'll eat it
I know I know, it's a bad habit, should do it
& he eats food off our "human" food-plates after dad's breakfast,
my lunch (I don't do breakfast) & both our dinners
but not with the gusto he normally does
he usually cleans the plate
he leaves a bunch on them now
Also, it's not that much food
maybe a cup, a cup & a 1/2, maybe 2 cups max
between all 3 meals
nothing that's bad for him either
we've both owned dogs our whole lives
he pees & poos normal, he's not getting skinny yet
drinking plenty of water
acts relatively normal outside
I've told her (the vet) all of that too
they are baffled, he
acted 110% normal in vets office
like nothing is wrong
at all
thanks for the questions & showing concerns,
I'm baffled
dad & the dog sleeping