Does your dog like steak?
my dogs are like that
won't touch a full meal set on the coffee table
will set there & drool like crazy
but won't touch it
I've been out of the room for a few min.'s quite a few times
I usually reinforce it & tell him he better not too
he knows what I mean too
Elvis knows he gets treats so he pretty good
he usually just lays down until I come back in the room
my last Lab Lord Budnicks was like that too
even more so
'The Duke' my 2nd or 3rd lab pup
I had before Lord Budnicks (RIP)
when he was a youngster got a whole bucket of KFC
I bought as appetizers, for my reg. MNF party
I had the party every week, football season or not
He got it off the coffee table, he ate everything in it
except for the waxpaper & the bucket
I went out to check the BBQ, pool or the sauna etc.
only gone for about 5 min.'s
he had never/ever shown signs of it before either
he was always good around food, stuff on the tables
with the company coming over 'a lot' etc.
Just never tempted him like that before I guess
He wore that bucket around his neck/head for a week or so
like a cone of shame
he never even got close to another bucket
or anything on any tables, after that
hell even saw the red/white KFC bag or the smell

he went over to his kennel & would lay down
most all my dogs have been trained well, fed well,
didn't do much of that kind of stuff, at all
just figured I'd share