Yawn I watched some of it,
we got something like a 88% eclipse here,
we're 800+ miles south of the path
BUT I saw it thru my welding helmet, between wrenching
on my neighbors Jeep, IMO it was kind of none eventful &
kind of boring too, barely got darker, but I can say I saw it thou...
I was there in 2017, along with all the rest....
supposed to be some cool stuff NASA did
& flew around in 120' wing span plane, can't remember the name,
that follow & chase sort of, to get more than 2 min.'s average view,
they get like IIRC they said 8+ min.'s to study it, photograph it,
in real time, about the Aurora "exterior gases" of the sun...
That allegedly they can't see, because the sun is too bright
or only really truly visible when we have an eclipse supposedly,
than they can study it...
The gasses are what effects us the most, we can't usually see them,
or the radiation, it contributes to our heat/warming, the actual weather
& our electronics it all affects {mostly space & satellite stuff}...