Funny that you threw me into this Coronet 440! Lol.
Yes I have Victor Max Wedge heads on my little 505. They seem to be working quite well. Mildly ported and flowing 348 intake and 277 exhaust I think it is.
And I'm using the hughes offset rockers.
I chose these Victors coming on 4 years back. Hughes was talking huge huge numbers and Indy seemed to be pissing lots of people off at the time. I don't recall 270's being out at that time.
If I was buying again, it would likely be Indy's. More and more, guys are posting nice numbers on the 270s but man, all the FAST guys are running Indy.
My car is good to go 10.0. With only a half dozen race days on both me and the car, I have no doubt that my MW heads won't put me right there though.
I see that Hughes offers a fix for broken rocket shaft bosses on Eddies, oh great.