Well-Known Member
What alot of people don't realize about them is when alot of them are around and everybody plugs them in to recharge how is the electric grid going to do ??
wishful thinking, worshipping the sun god for the electric car... Technology is not ready....the us needs to get with the rest of the world and embrace the compact diesel car for fuel mileage...vw in the late 70's had a great mpg near 50 . Where are the american automakers....if more of the american public would get their heads out of the sand,and look at the real issues instead of false news ...federal regulation on cars....cafe standards.... My 2 cents from a diesel mechanic....
Wishful thinking, worshipping the sun god for the electric car... Technology is not ready....The US needs to get with the rest of the world and embrace the compact diesel car for fuel mileage...VW in the late 70's had a great mpg near 50 . Where are the American automakers....If more of the American public would get their heads out of the sand,and look at the real issues instead of false news ...Federal regulation on cars....CAFE standards.... My 2 cents from a diesel mechanic....
They're workin' on it... some pretty interesting reclamation methods explained here:
what about the power grid ? anyone thought about it .
Remember the Chevy Luv pickups that had the little Isuzu diesel four bangers in them. These things were incredible. The local chicken farm has two of them. They both are over 400,000 miles and have never been rebuilt. They are over 35 years old and still run just fine. They get about 50 MPG. Why can't you buy a small diesel pickup like one of these new? You know why, don't you. They don't burn enough fuel and they last too long.Wishful thinking, worshipping the sun god for the electric car... Technology is not ready....The US needs to get with the rest of the world and embrace the compact diesel car for fuel mileage...VW in the late 70's had a great mpg near 50 . Where are the American automakers....If more of the American public would get their heads out of the sand,and look at the real issues instead of false news ...Federal regulation on cars....CAFE standards.... My 2 cents from a diesel mechanic....
The hippies screwed diesel for a while. My 6.4 diesel gets 14mpg after the engine is broken in. If I deleted the diesel particulate filter i could probably hit high teens. If I remove the filter I can get a ticket for emissions equipment removal, yet I burn more diesel to go a mile? Makes sense right? Burn more fuel to keep the air cleaner...
what about the power grid ? anyone thought about it .
Remember, a bit over a hundred years ago they said that new fangled thing would never replace a horse.