Well-Known Member
i have a 73 rr w a 440 509 cam dual 600 edelbrock carbs i tried to set carbs and i screwed in all the way on one carb n engine didnt stumble it seems i still have a air leak but sprayed either n carb cleaner arond intake and carbs n didnt kill engine even when i set carbs i couldnt see a noticable change in vacum w the guage i ws at about 5-7 psi but enginge when idling seems to have a miss of some kind engine rms drop 200-300 rmps on tack every second or two this norm and help whit these issues would be helpfull i would like to get the carbs set right now there set at 3 1/2 turns out and timing at 12 adv n i cant feel a power loss that is noticeable i can still burn the tires off lol thanks again pat