71 Meep Meep
Well-Known Member
Nice thread .... very informative.
It's been a while, but I think I've been able to get to that brake booster nut by dropping the steering column and removing the instrument cluster. It seems like a lot of hassle to start with, but by the time you are done, you are way ahead on time, and don't have to be a contortionist. With extensions, it should pretty much be a straight shot in....or at least less articulation on the uni-wiggle. There may be a support bracket or two to work around.
Glad to see you got all that "fun" out of your system will. Now you can get back to some serious work on your car.
Looks amazing Prop! I know that seeing it out in the sun on its own wheels provides a ton of motivation to finish that last 10%. Very cool.
No Problem 71 Meep Meep. Thanks for wiping some of the dust starting to collect on this thread. I have some updating to do around this place. Got the Wilwood combination proportioning valve mounted and installed as well all the plumbing from for all the brake lines as well as installed the Bendix booster w/master.
One thing I will mention, the top inside nut that secures the booster to the firewall (from the inside) is a real treat. I would highly recommend that someone installs this nut/booster before the firewall pad and heater box goes in. There is 4 nuts total. Also having the column dropped may help. I had two 1/4 drive extensions with a uni-wiggle to a short 1/2" socket (halfway stuffed with paper toweling). Then, laying on my back with my head on the accelerator pedal I had to use an inspection mirror while trying to navigate the socket/nut into place. The socket will be at almost a 90* angle while trying to thread onto the stud. Being the angle you're only going to get a half of a turn in before the uni-wiggle binds up. All this fun is due to the fact that the brake linkage and brackets, column support, firewall pad and left side of the heater box all cage this nut in, which is about 8" up from the bottom of the column where it runs through the firewall. A lot of writing about a silly little nut, but believe me, I could have hung a fender in the time it took me to get that one nut on......so hopefully this helps someone else out down the road.
Good to hear your motor is ready to be stroked,will. I feel like i'm in a cult following everything that you have done to your bird and can't wait to see what you're going to do next.
HA-HA! i knew there was a method to the work-your-ball$-off-out-west madness!! lol
great to hear Skeletor is getting her heart transplant!!
can't wait to hear that big, bad stroker fire up!!! hide the women and children!!!!
congrats, Will