I took her out this weekend and made it rub a bit more so I could see where it was happening.
On left turns at street speeds, the body rolls pretty easily, not too extreme, just like what you would expect a big ole car to do, and it seems to be rubbing on the inside sidewall. These are RWL tires, and its rubbing on the inside, where the black letters are.
Looks to me like its the inner fender lip. I've seen posts about lip rollers, etc. Think I'm going to have to go that route.
Also still going to get the springs and shocks for it. Might even grab an anti roll bar. . . this car is strictly for fun, and the occasional long road trip, so I'm not worried about what the passengers think about the ride. I just want a stiff responsive set up. The whole car feels like a boat, always has, and I want to lose that feeling, at the expense of a little stiffening.
Any suggestions on setup would be appreciated. Thanks!