"Pursuit of Shape"
Howard Kil'r

The Grumman Gulfstream 1. My Dad flew and ended his career flying one of these for a AZ mining outfit, that became a subsidiary of Pennzoil around 1966, right around when the Grumman G-ll pure jet came out, Pennz bought one of the first ones and in turned kicked a G-1 from their stable down to the new child co. Rolls Royce Dart engines. Duvals Bird was # 13 built in 59, but new owner who ordered airplane didn't want 13, so they skipped and called it 14....nary a ghost near, great airplanes. But the Howard was still 100 mph faster could fly transcontinental non-stop, mush higher thane the Gulfstream...Grumman had huge clout with Feds, what with their military building and all....Dee had the 500 ready in 59.....the feds until 64 did not issue His C of A (cert of airworth), with altitude restrictions The 500 was 500K new, the Grumman was more and could not perform ike Dee's a/c end of story. The Grumman's advantage one was operating costs...but it wasn't as fast, couldn't go as high and had to stop more Grumman got the feds to stall Howards production a few years enabling them to establish a firm footing in the market....but the Howard will s#it and git on this very handsome airplane....i remember, idle speed on Darts was 14,000. It was a lot easier to land and i'm pretty sure the props on the ex Penzz bird were full reverse. its been a minute. But it couldn't operate short field like the Howard......howard is a DEA target bird, meaning they look to see if haulin dope is your angle, cuz they'll operate pretty short and carry a lot. The last pic i think is a DEA Bird, all that s#it hanging off it. After the G-ll is when there was some kind of split or whatnot and the they became just Gulfstream Aerospace, seperating from parent Grumman.
I think i saw two of these complete props in yard of aviation mart in mohave...i want another source for complete red tag general aviation props for songs....usually it just the blades thar are red tag pull the blades and selle the spiders/hubs to overhaul shops....complete small props would make bitchin cieling fans....instead of speed, just use blade deflection to control air movement...oops, there i go topic again anyway G-1 very good looking airplane

I think i saw two of these complete props in yard of aviation mart in mohave...i want another source for complete red tag general aviation props for songs....usually it just the blades thar are red tag pull the blades and selle the spiders/hubs to overhaul shops....complete small props would make bitchin cieling fans....instead of speed, just use blade deflection to control air movement...oops, there i go topic again anyway G-1 very good looking airplane