Well-Known Member
You are welcome Justin. Such an awesome build deserves to be recognized.![]()

You are welcome Justin. Such an awesome build deserves to be recognized.![]()
Or would you rather like, here's how I lost my money group......Where's the Butterfinger group?
Still more to come......this has just been a rest period for me from the beatdown of the restoration, lol....
So true Mark.....It is nice right now having nothing to do.......I am sure at some point that will turn into boredom....Yes, restorations are a serious beatdown and the more detailed you get into it, the bigger the beatdown.
JimCompSyn....thanks for the time & effort to take this on & put it together. Like many, I’m just a regular guy who, as time allows, enjoys doing my own stuff, in a small garage, and interested in originality. Often, while going through the thread, I’d think about writing page numbers down to reference back to, but never did, resulting in considerable time to relocate.
Also thanks to Moparnation74 for his willingness to share his knowledge, step-by-step photos, detail & OEM/repo parts comparisons etc. A lot of guys are reluctant to pass stuff on. Great build. I admire your attention to detail. Thank you both....Jim
Thank you for chiming in.....Your compliments are much appreciated.
Anthony did a fine job compiling all those topics.....I cannot tell you how many times people have asked me for something in my thread or even I needed something on some page I had trouble finding. ......Thanks to my friend he has helped out me and so many others.....
For awhile there I didn't know what I was going to do with the GTX......I contemplated over this for awhile before I embarked on a full restoration. Lots of emotions were going on. I was stewing over selling it to get rid of the memories, ripping the drive train out and going with a 570 Hemi, a 440 six pack and the furthest thing on my mind was a full restoration. The key denominator that led me to my decision was I wanted something to give back to my pops. Even though I cannot now but in paradise I will be able to tell him my story, a story about a car and the wonderful man that owned that car......Because most everyone else knows about you and this hunk of steel.....
The GTX is not a one of one, a one of ten, a one of twenty........It doesn't have some Mopar icon in racing attached to the history.....What it has is a regular guy born on a peanut farm in Virginia whom was a wild child and got in trouble with the law. Subsequently, was ordered by the judge to either do jail time or go into the military.....Pops chose the military and this was during Vietnam, moonlighted at the St Louis Chrysler plant...Hooked up with my Mom at the base. Whom was a civilian working on the base.......After Vietnam he started up his own business, retired at 50, married once....Two kids through college and both of them married once......He was involved in everything and anything with his kids and never missed a step......
I had to build a perfect car because my Dad was perfect.....this was done on my limited time while working two jobs in my little garage with no lift, two floor jacks and jackstands and mainly craftsman and cobalt tools......
This is my one of none.......
GeorgeThis truly sums up the venture and touches the heart while describing it. Almost brings a tear to the eye. Again, congratulations on a job very well done. My hats off to you.
TimBTW Justin, how about a reminder on the big reveal. Date, place, ect.
HowardThey look factory original to me.![]()
Thanks for the compliments,Howard
Thanks my friend and good to see you cranking away on the charger....
I have to say you did a stellar job on the rear seat.......IMHO those are harder to do than the buckets.....
I wish you were closer. I would come over and we could double team your headliner......If you need any phone help whatsoever, PM me your phone number....The hardest part on a charger liner is the rear pillars the rest is not bad too do....I can guide you step by step on how I tackle it...
Thanks as well Howard.....No problem at all. I would be glad to help.....These areas are scary until you have done one...I get that but I can easily walk you through it....Your first one will seem like it will take forever....A experienced installer can do one in 3 hours or less.....I have yet to even get anywhere near that.....However, when I know how much I paid for the items. My slowness is due to not making a costly mistake....Thanks for the compliments,
I would love to have some help putting in the headliner. If I can watch or work with someone on something I learn and pick up things quite quickly but if I have never done something before I am always hesitant. When I am ready I just may take you up on the phone call though. You don't know how closely I have watched some of your postings to get ideas on how things should be done. Thanks for the detailed posts.