Turns out, I have some crow to eat....
I took the car in to the dealer this morning and told them of what all had been done.
It didn't take them very long (about long enough for me to check out a couple Scat Packs
in the parking lot) to tell me that - get this - the car was
functioning as normal.
That means in essence, at least towards the end of my efforts,
I was trying to fix something
that wasn't broken. 
That said, turns out I probably
did wind up fixing something along the way - I just can't tell you
which part did the trick.
At the dealer, I then received an education on this things' cooling system:
The computer turns the fan on and off based on the temperature sensor, of course - as confirmed
by the fan motor relay, mounted in the fan shroud.
The thing is - it does so at
different temperatures according to whether or not the a/c circuit is energized.
When the a/c circuit is engaged, it turns the fan on at 203-204F and back off at 194F or so, but when
the a/c is OFF, it turns the low speed cycle of the fan on at about
217F and back off at about
Now, the day I first noticed the hissing from the leaking coolant cap, I saw the temperature on the dash
showing 217F and my first reaction was
"why isn't the damn fan on?", followed by
"what the hell is wrong
with the cap/reservoir?"
Those turned out to both be valid concerns...
I replaced the cap, of course (and topped the coolant back off).
I replaced all the relays and fuses and such and when the fan didn't engage when I
thought it should have
(by 210F, say) then I fetched the replacement Mopar fan relay/harness and installed it also....
and when it didn't also turn the fan on
when I thought it should have, I made the appointment with the dealer.
Well....once it was learned today that it doesn't kick the fan on until about 217-218F, it's obvious that it probably
wasn't turning on the fan when it should (for still unknown, but now replaced reasons); it also got settled that
whatever part I did to fix it did actually cure the issue.
I also found out that those preset temps in the ECU cannot be changed, at least at the dealer level.
I finally talked them into rolling the diagnostic fee into a proper radiator flush and fill, wanting to be done with
the whole affair once and for all...
In the end, I watched it cycle on and off, over and over, until I was satisfied.
Say, anyone in the market for some slightly used (but probably just fine) relays, fuses and fan relay?

(No, I talked the wife out of the $60k Scat Pack. Damn thing was Sublime Green. Yeesh....)