When you move 120-200 miles away (or more, farther)
from where your perceived friends were/are...
You really learn which are 'real friends'
& which are merely acquaintances...
Those that hung out, drank your beer, leaners, BS-ers
that needed help on their stuff & rarely came over
to actually help on yours...
But you always helped them with projects...
House, cars, yards or otherwise...
I have them from Rancho Murieta & Concord...
A bunch were lost in divorces, they literally disappeared
or became recluses...
Or new couples, the lady or guy depending on the situation
I had quite a few women friends too, meet a *new partner...
*Usually the person doesn't fit in the group well...
I used to have "Monday Night Football/or summertime Pool Parties" all year round
Whether it was football season or not, we had a Monday night party
It was always at my place too, never anywhere else,
most their wives/husbands would never allow it...
But their wives would come & help dirty trash my place
& mine was nicer than most...
We had a collection going at all the dealerships of recycled stuff
take off aluminum car parts that were junk 'warranty stuff', then cans & bottles etc.
To buy Pizzas or KFC or Taco Bell, mostly for snacks, before the main meals...
We had like 9 regulars that'd chosen a week to cook their specialty
Beef Wellington, Full blown Turkey diner & Fixxing, Chile', Lazognia, Spaghetti & Meatballs
regular traditional BBQ stuff, Steaks, Ribs, Chicken, Hamburgers, or Sausages
mostly in warmer weather periods...
We'd rotate who cooked every week, someone would come up with something,
commit to it, then go out & buy it, it all worked out pretty well...
One of my good friends Mike D. was a Liquire distributor,
for Southern Wine & Spirits...
They'd do offsite displays, promotions for specific booze/s drinks mixers etc.,
We'd base the party theme 'sometimes' around what Mike brought...
'Mike' would save whatever, shot glasses, napkins, boozes,
sunglasses & posters, all kinds of trinkets like watches & lighters etc.
Party favors type stuff& bring the stuff to our parties...
A bunch of people from 4 main Concord Dealerships,
many were parts or service people, a few salespeople, more blue-collar crowd...
A few times the owners would show up too...
It was pretty lively...
Everyone (to an extent) was welcome...
I always put the word out at the dealership...
Many were afraid to attend, I don't know why...
I had a smoking lounge, recliners & carpet, a sectional couch & a big screen TV
all set up in the garage, 1 stall of 5, for people that smoked (you name it)
I didn't allow smoking in my place...
People were always encouraged to bring a plus 1, we had lots of food & drinks...
Those 9 regulars are still good friends, the rest 10 or so at most...
I rarely see or even hear from now, especailly since I moved ebven further east
into the Sierras, almost nobody come up here...
The bunch of US (the 9) all went to Hawaii for 13-ish years straight, of 15 total
to see the Pro-Bowl...
We'd all vacation together for a week, sometimes 2
Before NFL screwed that up too...
Some would bring wives, some would go stag...
We did that from like late 80s into the mid 90's up to like 1997...
Same crew of 9 give or take a couple, would go to Incline Village Northshore Tahoe
sort of semi-annually, 7 of 10 or so years total, usually right around Hot August Night,
the week before or after...
We'd stay in company condos from the dealership group I worked with
it was a nice lil' perk they afforded me...
We'd go water skiing Mike had a great boat 26' Danzi IO 351Cleveland,
I had a skiboat I got in trade for work, Ski Nitique v-drive, 350 GM,
we'd go skiing or tuben' & pull my surfboards, what a blast...
Then maybe go to the Incline Village Celebrity Golf tourney,
hob nob with celebrities, it was before they all became big douches, like now...
It's a big deal now it was small potatoes then...
Then out on the town or casino etc., go to Reno to cruise etc.)
When I moved to Rancho Murieta in 1997, all of that stuff died off...
I miss them days, what a blast...
Most my racing buddies, I never hear from much anymore...
Most are divorced now too, sold all their stuff
moved on to another woman, many of them (their new person) didn't like our crowd...